Hillary Caught Making a Photo of Obama Blacker Again?

There was a scandal where it looked like a photo of Obama was made blacker on the Hillary website. I was dismissive of it, but now it appears it’s happened again. Look at this photo of Obama:

Now look at how the same image appears on Hillary’s website:

He looks noticeably blacker to me. I contacted the Hillary campaign for an explanation, and they said any differences in the images is the result of normal photo adjustments such as desaturation. I guess that seems plausible to me. Any photography experts out there want to comment?
Obama alters photo of himself?

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    1. Hilarious
    2. This forced me to go look at the original Kos story (something I managed not to do the other day, and then read the comments…oh dear. The nutroots are in rather a dither, aren’t they?
  1. whoever doesn’t like it is putting out the message that ‘white’ is better…….who are these racists that would complain about ‘blackness’?
    that ’70’s shot of obama is cute.

  2. This is shameful, incendiary, hate-mongering garbage. This is facism of the worst sort. Showing these two nearly identical photographs and suggesting that one of them has been intentionally altered is most unseemly, raising the specter of bigotry and intolerance over an otherwise nurturing and accepting primary contest.
    Everyone is skirting the issue, so I’ll just come out and say it. It’s time to break the taboo, and end the cycle of intolerance and shame. Yes, Barack Obama has a wart or mole next to his nose. While in a different context raising awareness of the blemish issue could benefit the entire community, in this case by failing to meet the subject head-on you have done nothing but make a bad situation worse, by pandering to the lowest common facist denominator.

  3. Cracks me up…all this crap about how black someone is. When ridin’ with my black buddies in Florida in the early 70’s, they would make fun of and harass blacks that were darker than they were…using the same racist epithets that the racist rednecks used. Wassup wit’ that?

  4. What next: Hillary Clinton donor busted for trafficking in human body parts? Did I hear that? Apparently so. If appearing on Saturday Night Live is any indicator of experience, Hillary is a shoe in, as the Democratic nominee. Still and all, one might think Saturday Night would learn after the ill-timed and irresponsible “Branch Dav-idiots” spoof, made during the Waco standoff. Of course, SNL couldn’t foresee that the Clintons would call Attorney General Janet Reno to the White House the following day, Sunday. SNL couldn’t know that only days later the situation would end badly. Of course SNL knows better in 2008, but in 1995 few knew the thin-skinned, volatile and incendiary nature of either Clinton, or the grasping synergy between them. As for Hillary, “Her experience speaks for itself,” says former U.N. ambassador Richard Holbrooke, who is advising her campaign: http://theseedsof9-11.com

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