Kos Say Hillary Make Obama Blacker

Kos of the crazy hate site the Daily Kos has accused Hillary of making Obama blacker. Originally, some people suggested that Obama isn’t black enough, but now Hillary has made him too black. Let this be a lesson to you: Hillary darkens everything she touches.
Other lesson: Kos is craaaazy.
Little Green Footballs has an animated gif illustrating this outrage. Stop making Obama black, people!

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  1. I would like to apologize for the comments made on this right-wing extremist blog. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Senators Clinton and Obama – hell, I plan to vote for one of them!
    McCain ’08: The #1 choice of undocumented Americans!

  2. This whole story of Hillary making BO blacker than he is is one of the dumbest things I have heard yet.Could it be The lil ole bamacins started this dumb accusation all on their own
    Yes I am saying that they are the ones who start the racial crap and then play the victim to the public.
    Get a better one than this guys!

  3. The Hillary campaign was charged today with making John McCain look old, feeble and lame by publishing a photo of the Senator from an event last week. Upon further review it has been determined that no alterations of the photo were done and that the Senator is indeed old, feeble and very lame…

  4. The Clinton campaign charged the John McSame-O-McCaino campaign today with doctoring several Clinton images in a recent TV spot, adding girth to her ankles, thighs and hips while deepening the wrinkles in her face. Said Clinton, “I’ve earned every wrinkle I have. But what they did to my lower body is just criminal.” The Clintons later recanted their claim but failed to remove the girth from Clinton’s lower body. Tears at Eleven.

  5. Ya tryin’ to make me look blacker- Beee-ochh – Well I’m hung down to the knee notch- I knock down 40’s like a town full of Irishmen drinkin’ free Scotch- I got more rhythm than Michael Jackson near a cub scouts wee crotch- They made me the mayor of nooky town and changed my name to Eddie Koch- Uhhhh…. Never mind white folks, I’ve just been informed that was not an attack on my street cred and Ms Clinton was just trying to get me back some pigmentation i was looking for.

  6. You won’t like me when I’m angry
    The .gif at LGF reveals things even more disturbing… As Barack gets darker his head also gets wider, and his already pendulous ears become even more so.
    Five more minutes in the tanning booth and he’ll be able to BASE jump with just his ears as a ‘chute.

  7. Thanks for the LGF link Frank, Charles did a nice job debunking the crazies.
    #3 Betty

    Could it be the lil ole bamacins started this dumb accusation all on their own? Yes I am saying that they are the ones who start the racial crap and then play the victim to the public.

    It’s very plausible Betty since the Bamacins elected Maxine Waters, Cynthia McKinney, Sheila Jackson Lee and other such Democrat “brain trusts” to Congress. Their seeming purposes are to pander to racists and poverty pimps while getting as much TV face time as possible.

  8. #10 ussjimmycarter

    Obama attempted a response by trying to make Hillary look less [woman in comfortable shoes] but the best air brush artists in the business threw up their hands in frustration…

    Perhaps a wig, an IMAO t-shirt, and a large automatic handgun would help?
    Yeah, I know, there’s still the face thing.

  9. As his first act in office, President Obama will call on Congress to require the color settings in every monitor, printer, TV, digital camera, etc. be preset at the correct values to accurately display Obama at the correct level of blackness. All existing equipment that does not meet this requirement will be destroyed by units of “color correction police” going door-to-door to uncover any such equipment or other contraband, such as Republican party paraphernalia.

  10. This coverage is reaching the level of absurdity.
    There is no reason for the Obama campaign to deny these scurrilous and unfounded reports that in their campaign advertisements they have made Hillary’s voice sound more like fingernails on chalkboard.
    In fact, when one Obama spokesman said the campaign could not compare Hillary’s voice to employing the emergency brake on a freight train, a voice from the front of the Senator’s airplane was heard to say, “Yes, we can!”

  11. “I don’t know what her problem is. You could hold up a piano with those legs.”
    Not as much of a nonsequiter as you might think, but then it might be the beer talking. Six degrees of tangential thought…

  12. Not only a piano, PaleoMedic, but as columns of the White House veranda where President Hillary Clinton hosts a global warming party featuring Al “Quit Feeding Him” Gore and Michael “Sicko” Moore celebrating the enforcement of the new Carbon Credits Act on the American people.

  13. I am a trifle confused ( I usually am but hey, I’m old). I thought people like Osamabama BECAUSE he’s black. Haven’t those who pander to the black hierarchy complained because he isn’t black enough. You’d think that they wouldn’t complain about him looking more black but complain that someone was “lightening him up” as it were.
    Those Kos Kiddies, always entertaining, especially when they drool, mumble and twitch.

  14. I John McCain would like to apologize for things said on this racist and sexist blog about my close friends Senator Obama and Senator Clinton! I will not participate in politics of personal destruction and will never say anything negative about my good friends on the other side of the isle whom I have crossed many times to work with on behalf of the American people. Conservatives, racists and sexist pigs have no place in politics today and should be rooted out and silenced at every turn!

  15. You know, BO is only half black, the other half is white. Why don’t we ever hear anything about his half white side? Heres my opinion. If you talk about being half white it’s kinda like the ace of spades, it trumps any race-card you are currently playing.

  16. I think I have found the source of Osamabamas hatred of this country. His black side hates his white side, his white side is hobbled by it’s guilt over the hatred felt by his black side which he then projects on the country as a whole.
    Or he’s just a left wing, liberal, socialist, racist, bigot. Whatever.

  17. You know, BO is only half black, the other half is white. Why don’t we ever hear anything about his half white side?
    Because, according to-
    “La Raza”,
    the Nation of Islam,
    the Revs. Sharpton & Jackson,
    Cynthia McKinney,
    comedians Dave Chapelle, Paul (Pablo) Rodriguez & Margaret Cho,
    The Clinton Administration,
    Attempted governor Bill Richardson,
    the incredibly white liberal left,
    and that ranting homeless guy of no discernible race who blames whitey for his crack habit-
    white is bad! Even if it’s tempered by the wholesome goodness of a black/hispanik parent, but only if said parent is a male… had Obambi’s momma been black & his daddy white, it wouldn’t even be the same issue…
    Because, had that been the case, his momma would’ve just been labeled a sellout.

  18. #28
    Well, does Albert have the guts?
    No, he doesn’t. He’s an “environmentalist” now, and you can’t even spell that without “mental”. Oddly enough, if he were to put his hat in the ring, so to speak, he’d be more welcomed by the Democrat’s party than the two gerbils they’re clamoring over now…
    And that’s the story of Al gore’s life: A day late & a buck short.

  19. Me thinks that ussjimmycarter is not happy with John McCain. Now, now. Get with the program, ussjc! Suck it up. (Personally, I’m looking for evidence that inside that soft-spoken war hero is an a$$hole of a good kind.)
    BTW, old seanmahair, the only thing Al Gore can rescue is donuts. The guy can pack away some carbo’s. And he carries them around as lipids.

  20. But gentlemen Al is soon to be without a cause. Facts are beginning to stack up on the “Global Cooling” bandwagon.
    Of course with his usual aplomb Gore will claim that all his jetting around the world has reversed the tide and he and only HE can fix the mess we conservatives have made of this country.
    Can’t you just hear it?

  21. Seanmahair-
    He is an environmentalist-
    And they are the Don Quixote’s of our time… the major difference being than the original Don Q at least had a windmill to fight; Al Gore doesn’t have that or even a lance to do battle with.
    But I agree with Jimmy; if doughnuts were a global threat, then the Once and Future Un-President would be all over it.

  22. I have an even worse scandal brewing right here at IMAO.
    FrnakJ thinks of all us commenters as muckadoos.
    Don’t believe me? Try to comment, hit “preview” and check out the URL.
    It always has the part about “bin/monkey2stufff”.
    Remember, muckadoo is from ” monkey see, monkey do”, and how would you write “monkey do” to try to hide it from muckadoos? That’s right, use numbers.
    So “monkey2” is his way of writing “muckadoo” and trying to hide it.
    That’s right, he thinks our thoughts and praise belong in the bin with all the other stuff from the muckadoos.
    Now I’m really mad.
    Screeech, hoot hoot hoot, eeek eeek.

  23. Back on the Goracle, Veeshir. It’s also rumored that, due to his body mass and its carbon content, Al’s flatulence can now power a small house. Of course, while the constiuent gases are mainly CH3, C02, H2S and H20, Al has particularly high concentrations of CH3 and H2S which get burned to produce CO2 and H2O, both dreaded greenhouse gases, and the odiferous H2SO4, an aerosol which causes global dimming. But, all in all, Al receives carbon credits for this approach to energy independence which he purchases through his own company. Oddly, Al can be seen periodically bending over with his back up against the outside walls his neighbors’ homes.

  24. Why would we care what Frank thinks of us (sorry Frank). But really, what makes Frank the gatekeeper of our opinions and thoughts. His mainl function is to provide a space for the free exchange of ideas, humorous satire on the news of the day and sometimes the jumping off point for other news and information but most of the time the posts take a decided turn into something not even resembling his prose.
    Not that I don’t appreciate you Frank, I do. I just think that your opinion of me or my opinions is worth just about what my opinion of you and your opinions are. With what those are worth and 5 bucks I think you might be able to get a latte at Starbucks, but being someone who doesn’t partake of the coffee bean I really don’t know.
    So Veeshir, honey don’t worry. I’m sure someone out there really cares what nameless folks on a satirical humor web site think. If for nothing else, they could use us in a paper for Abnormal Psyc ; 0. Their lib professors will give them A’s for sure.
    PS Please, Don’t ban me Bro.

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