Obama Alters Photo of Himself?

While I just found what perhaps is another example of the Hillary camp taking a photo of Obama and altering it so he looks blacker, Obama may have done the opposite. Once again, look carefully at this untouched photo of Obama:

Now look how it appears on Obama’s website:

Now I could just be imagining it, but I think they made him appear whiter. I contacted the Obama campaign about this, and they said any difference is just from some gamma correction they did to make the image contrast less with the website’s background. Again, I’m no photography expert, so I guess I’ll have to take their word for it.


  1. It’s hard to find any notable difference this time. Even the warts look the same.
    I do notice than in the lower picture his tie is bluer, suggesting that he’s what we used to call … “theatrical”.
    But he’s never given us any reason believe that.

  2. My barber tells me afros are on their way back in – someone asked him for one a few months back.
    The more things change, the more they stay the same? We should all hope not. The 70’s really sucked.

  3. I’m a white guy…what’s with the tie? That’s like totally gay! I wear a tie a lot and if I showed up in that tie my homies would take me out back and biatch slap the s*it out of me for being a homosexual!

  4. Oprah has been doing this same thing for over a decade on her TV show.
    She’s at least 3 shades whiter on TV than she is in real life. Maybe she tipped Obama off since it’s worked wonders for her.

  5. This could only be done by the republicans as a black man he was “untouchable” if you know what I mean. But as a white man, the last legitimate target for bigots, he can be beaten.

  6. HILARIOUS! It’s funny cause it’s true. Obama tries to seem whiter and everyone else tries to make him seem blacker.
    Obama wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t half white. We are to racist. The only famous full blood black i know of on TV is Whoopi Goldberg.
    Also as a form of racism we ignore his GLARING flaws so we can support a black guy and seem less racist. Alan Keyes is facepalming as we speak.

  7. In the second one, he looks a lot like that Tony Robbins guy who did all of those motivational infomercials. Has anyone ever seen them together? Seems like Robbins used to blather on about change too…

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