Obama Can No More Distance Himself from This Slogan than He Can Denounce His Own Grandmother

I bet if I made this bumper sticker, it would sell pretty well among certain segments of the population.


  1. I fully this endorse this economic venture. I would buy some and put them up everywhere… most people in Chicago would acknowledge their hilarity or even take them seriously… either way, the message gets across. Obama is a fringe wacko that is slowly being unmasked, and his supporters are too stupid to realize it as they are “unashamedly black, and unapologetically Christian.” Hohohoho… that’s a belly laff.

  2. I would order them, but unfortunately a great number of people in my Mississippi town would only pass my car with their thumbs up, until they saw I was a whitey…sadly, I’ve seen more Obama 08 banners around here now than before the Wright-wrongdoing.

  3. You need to add in smaller print at the bottom
    “unite in change”
    Then once he’s in power we can emulate any of those efficiently run democratic governments in Africa….like Kenya….

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