Sorriest Thing in the World

Since I mentioned her a couple times, here’s my poor bandaged dog:

“No chapter to Hellbender today?”

SarahK has more pictures and details. Maggie Katzen has a photoshop/caption contest at my poor puppy’s expense.


  1. And you expect us to believe your lame story about this nice doggy hurting itself?
    Are there guns in the home, sir? Do you keep them unloaded and either locked up or with trigger locks? Because otherwise you are posing a direct danger to the animal, sir. These animals are naturally curious about firearms, despite the lack of opposable thumbs, and we often see results that look appallingly similar to this case.
    Perhaps we need to evaluate your fitness to care for the dog, sir.

  2. I’ve been watching the “Dog Whisperer” and I know what your dog is thinking. “You son-of-a-bitch!” “As soon as that quack you took me to takes this rag off my head, I’m going to bite your balls off, Frank!”

  3. Could she look any more pitiful?! I agree, treats, treats and more treats. Work it Rowdi!! They sure know how to work us don’t they?! She’s a great example of the reason for parental notice before tatoos and piercings!

  4. Watch out you have a terrorist dog He’s got a funny looking hat on his head. After her last attempt to Harm the Fleming’s with a laser she may try to pack a Suicide bomber leash. Or is that FrankJ’s underwear on her head and Frank is coming up with excuses for not finishing hellbender. What next does she eat your laptop.

  5. Poor puppy but at least you don’t have to wear the “Cone”.
    We have a male Golden and when he was “clipped” we had to take him back to the vet because he wouldn’t leave the stitches alone. They fitted him with a cone and in about 3 days he figured out how to use the cone to scratch the stitches.
    He’s a smart dog. Sometimes like most of us too smart for his own good.

  6. I didn’t read the previous post first, but it explains the “Hang dog” look (pun soooooo intended). No wonder Rowdy looks that way having to go to the vet with the Cats! That’s like having to take your bratty little brothers to the movies.
    Oh the the caninanity!

  7. #11: Thomas Beatie, who used to be a woman,…
    Beatie wrote the article, which includes a picture of him while he was 22 weeks pregnant. According to the story, he went through a sex change, but decided only to have chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy. Beatie was able to keep the reproductive organs he was born with.

    Soooo…. he was born with girl parts. He kept the girl parts. Doesn’t that make him a she? Shouldn’t that headline be “mentally deluded lesbian says she’s pregnant”?

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