WEsistance Challenge: Operation Needs More PC

I declare Operation Helpful Idiot a success.
Or at least fun.
Now it’s time for:
The Premise: It’s the next stage in the relationship. You still think WE is messianic, like a Green Obama, but still… you just can’t help noticing that one, tiny little flaw, and if only that were made right, you could go back to being blindly in love again.
This time, the problem is… something at the site doesn’t meet your hysterical, fanatical preference for political correctness. You feel that somewhere, somehow, SOME blessed group of exalted victims MIGHT be offended by something you’ve seen or read on the site.
Suggested format:
1) Brief acknowlegdement of the goodness of WE.
2) Your constructive criticism on how they can be more sensitive to those they’ve been insensitive to. Don’t be mean, here. You want to HELP. It’s like being brave enough to tell a friend he’s got bad breath. In this case, it’s the bad breath of insensitivity toward… blacks, whites, young, old, pirates, farmers, prostitutes, the illiterate, vision impaired, hearing impaired, children, people with food allergies, muppets, hemophiliacs, the colorblind… whatever. As before, try to keep it under 200 words to encourage folks to pass it around.
3) Sign off with some cliche lefty slogan and your hippie alias.
As usual, feel free to leave in a few typos and misspellings, just for flavor.
Sample letter:
Dear WE,

I think it’s great that there’s finally an organization that’s trying to save the whole planet. However, I can’t help wondering if it does any good to save the whole planet if doing so involves harming womyn’s self-esteem.
What I mean is that I think your spokesperson Dawn R. on the Take Action page encourages unhealthy sterotypes of “thinness” and “symmetry” that our society should leave behind. Perhaps you should consider a repersentative with a more healthy and natural body shape, and facial features that don’t perpetuate traditional lookist oppressions.
Liberation for All
Bertha Hodgkins

As before, you don’t HAVE to be a member of WE to participate in Operation Needs More PC, but if you ARE signed up, it puts pressure on them to take you seriously, and there’s nothing more pathetically funny than a conflicted liberal.
After you leave your suggestion with WE, send a copy of it to me at wesistance@gmail.com. If I find your entry to be brief, subtle, and at least moderately amusing, I’ll post it at IMAO so that others may enjoy it also.

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  1. I sent this one today:
    Dear WE,
    I am a strong supported of you’re organization. In fact I often stand outside my local library and hand out pamflets advertizing your website. However, I have noticed something about your website that bothers me.
    You have several recordings of people talking about WE, one under “why join we” “solutions” “take action” and “we are succeding”. When you click on one of these headings, an electronic image appears of a person talking. As an african american, I am greatly offended by the fact that all 4 of these individuals are white. Not only that, but two out of the 4 are young blonde good looking women, one is a good looking elderly woman who was probably blonde at some point in her life. The other is a white man thrown in for good measure. It seems to me that WE, in its effort to try to attract people to it’s website, is doing so by perpetuating racial stereotypes. It’s obvious that the reason WE only turns to white people for this portion of there website is because WE believes that minorities dont know what they are talking about. Only white people deserve to be listened to and the only way WE can get people to join is by having good looking white people speak on their behalf. Another example. All of the individuals on the WE commercials are white, with the exception of Revered Sharpton. Is this WE’s way of showing that it does care about minorities? Reverend Sharpton? Can you get anymore sterotipical? You might as well have Pat Robertson’s slave sitting there in shackles saying Yes massa Roberson. I like the earth too!”
    Please address these issues and majke your site more friendly to us minorities, or am going to take my complaint to the local news. Just imagine the headline “Is WE perpetuating racial stereotypes? Some minority groups say yes.” Saving the planet is important, but it’s not anymore important than making our planet safe from this tpye of gross blatent racism.
    Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to seeing all of the changes that you will make.
    Riddick Jefferson

  2. The disgusting thing is how the WE campaign touts Al Gore like he’s Mickey Mouse, by putting pictures of him on everything. I saw this annoying add at hotair.com. It had a smiling Al gore and the caption, “Vice President and Nobel Prize winner Al Gore has issued a challenge. Are you up for it?”
    Next thing you know on their site, they’ll be selling stuffed Al Gore Dolls that if you poke their bellies it giggles and gives you another useless “Earth tip”. “HE HE HE. Remember boys and girls. Kill mommy and daddy off before they’re 40 so they don’t expand their carbon foot print too much.” So when did Cults of personalities become Registered Non Profit PAC’s in this country?

  3. Dear BigRichardSmall – I think you have hit on a perfect PC WEtard topic. I am too lazy, but Al Gore and his blatant GREEN/greed hypocrisy are something a more motivated person could easily use to rattle their cage.

  4. I sent them a message telling them I felt they were doing great work but I was shocked that they did not include any mention of rotational delay. It seems something so threatening to Earths wellbeing would be mention. Terrestrials Against Rotational Decay Society expected more support from them. Not to mention the total lack of DiHydrogen Monoxide awareness.

  5. Harvey, I just sent you a copy of my 2nd contribution to Wetards R Us. This one scared me just a little bit. I didn’t know I could be that evil. Keep saying, ‘it’s just an e-mail’! Heh.

  6. On the WE homepage, would-be carbon credit-illionaire and professional gasbag Al Gore appears in front of U.S. flags at a podium to wheeze his lying crap. But instead of complaining (as I do) because I don’t think U.S. flags should be devalued that way, I wrote this:
    The Inconvenient Truth for Al Gore is that global warming is a planet-wide concern. There’s no American monopoly on clean water and breathable air! It would be far better, symbolically speaking, to show a picture of Al talking not in front of the flag of the nation where he was elected president (then robbed by evil George Bush!), and not even in front of the flags of predictably friendly nations like Canada and England.
    I feel it would best serve the interests of pan-national environmental awareness if you could insert the flags of nations with whose leaders we do not always agree — even though, under the white, black, yellow, brown and red skin, we are all brothers and sister united in the Great Circle of Gaia. Perhaps you could insert flags of nations like Mainland China, Venezuela, Russia and Iran, to show that Al Gore’s concerns — and ours — are not limited by silly human constructs like borders and cultures!
    All Power to the People!
    Moondrop McFudgepop IV

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