It’s Ok As Long As You Wrap It In a Plastic Bag and Throw It In a Landfill After You Get It is giving away free Obama buttons.
However, TANSTAAFL applies here (as everywhere), so if you order one, you’re forcing them to piss away valuable time and money. Plus your name & address gets on a mailing list that goes to other lefty organizations which will also piss away valuable time & money sending you stuff that you can also wrap in plastic and throw into a landfill.
Frankly, I’m not seeing a downside here.
[Hat tip: Freemon Sandlewould]


  1. But, the problem arises when you find out that they are actually embedded with a chip and a GPS device so they can track the free ones. I find it very hard to believe that the Obamorons wouldn’t actually try to dig up dirt on everyone that got a free one and use that dirt to force people to vote for the Changapotamus.

  2. make this the gift that keeps on giving:
    when you start getting junk mail, don’t just toss it: open it up, and if there’s a postage paid envelope inside, use it to send back the contents (minus your name & address) along with all the other junk you can fit into to the envelope. after all, they pay postage by weight, so load that envelope up.
    for the truly evil among us, shred some of the contents prior to sealing the envelope. with any luck, this will jam the automated machine at the receiving location, and maybe even take out a few other replies from useful idiots. %-)

  3. My pappy is going to have a cow when he gets his button in the mail.
    Don’t forget to clicky on the Obummer ad. They’ll have to pay cuz a that too! I know you don’t want to advocate click fraud but I can!
    BTW: How do you like my gay-liberal like to tie rocks on my feet and call them shoes name?
    Its like I have two personalities now. Uber right wing Fred X. and Freemon Sandlewould who says “can’t we put a hash ball in the free tire gauge Obummer gave us and smoke it?”

  4. We should all try to order as many as they’ll give us. Like say, hey I need 3,000 buttons so I can hand them out at my church… or I need 200 buttons to hand out at the library etc…
    Then bury them in a hole.

  5. I think this is a perfect plan. Just imagine years from now when the landfills are piled high with Obama buttons (and local wildlife is dying because some people neglected to put them in plastic bags) and the EPA is called in to look at it…
    “It’s obvious where all these buttons came from. Those darn liberals!”

  6. I love this from the bottom of the order page:

    Privacy Policy
    We do not share the information you’ve given us with unaffiliated groups without your explicit permission.

    Unaffiliated groups? Besides the Vast-Right-Wing-Warmongers, who exactly is not affiliated with I can name of 20 Marxist organizations off the top of my head. Google says much much more

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