Four Words From Obama

Fox News Legal Analyst Peter Johnson Jr. says he wants to hear 4 words from Obama:

“I hear you, America.”

He didn’t exactly read my mind on that one.

So let’s see… what 4 words would *I* want to hear from That One?

“I’m a ninja warrior!”

* “Here’s my birth certificate”

* “Michelle… that dress… tacky.”

* “Commie czars – all fired”

* “Ronald Reagan was right”

* “Let’s kill some terrorists!”

* “No more f@#$ing bailouts!”

* “I suck. I resign”

* “Michael Moore – shut up!”

* “Less taxing, less spending”

* “Southern border – BIG wall”

* “I’m sorry, Officer Crowley

* “Won’t run for re-election”

What four words do YOU want to hear from Obama?


  1. What’s in that bucket?
    I resign effective tomorrow.
    Sorry about the socialism.
    I weewee’d up America.
    My TelePrompTer is broken!
    No hope, no change.
    Yes we can fail.
    Healthcare not human right.
    No more light beer.
    I surrender to Fred.

  2. Sarah, please take over.
    I’m sick of Marxism.
    Free markets for everybody!

    (Those last two kind of go together.)

    I believe in freedom.
    Sorry about Justice Sotomayor.
    Chavez can piss off.
    Reverend Wright’s a wacko.
    Bail yourself out, ‘k?
    Smaller government, lower taxes.

  3. Acorn lost all funding.
    Fred’s calling the shots.
    IMAO’s my favorite blog.
    I’m buying a gun.
    Yes, I’m a muslim.
    I fooled you all!
    Duh, my policies suck.
    Illegal Immigrants leave now!
    Democrats love to lie.
    We have no clue.
    I’m your worst nightmare!

    (#3 Leland; Bravo!)

  4. “Joe Wilson is right”

    by the way – can we Joe Wilson some kind of IMAO award? I think he earned it last night. The only one in the room with the balls to call a lie a lie.

    Hopefully the first of many.

  5. karl marx was wrong
    dissenting americans are good
    me nuke iran now
    me punch Kim Jong
    liberals wrong, america good
    illegal immigrants go home
    english is national language
    water board terrorist more
    drill here, drill now!
    Michelle is the stupid

  6. “I’m a big Douchebag”
    “Here’s your money back”
    “Will genuflect to sheiks”
    “My ears are huge”
    “South gets long wall”
    “Wall gets deep moat”
    “Fill moat with Crocs”
    “Fill crocs with Mexicans”
    “Wet, Lather, Rinse, Repeat”

  7. * “Michelle… that dress… tacky.”


    Srsly, what is up with that? Among her 100s-deep personal staff, not one of them is a personal stylist?

    It’s embarrassing. I’m embarrassed FOR her, but wouldn’t give two shakes if she wasn’t making the rest of us look bad by even the slimmest of associations.

    And yeah, I’m going to pick on the girls too. I remember seeing a photo a few months ago of some trip the family took overseas.
    While in an official capacity, visiting some statehouse or whatever, the girls looked like they were dressed for the beach in short-shorts.
    I guess the idea of them wearing a nice dress with tights and Sunday shoes would be asking too much. *sigh*

    WTF? We know the parents hate America, but you’d think the Obamagirls could at least have some pride in themselves to dress like proper young ladies representin’
    I guess class has to be taught, and look what they are being raised by.

    Dammit, Darnit, I’m just an anonymous fashion-challenged nobody, but I would give almost anything to have a total professional makeover so that I could look my absolute best out in public. The Obamagals, on the other hand, have every resource available to theirownselves at no cost, so they have no excuse. /rant

  8. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » And Now, Four Words From Fred Thompson

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