Sounds Familiar

Via NewsBusters:

Move over, capes and spandex. Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits will now be gracing the cover of a new comic book as part of a left-leaning female Justice League.

Yeah, this is totally a ripoff of the IMAO podcast “Leftwing Superheros” bit.

They shall be sued forthwith! Fetch me my lawyerin’ trousers!


  1. This premier issue includes Hillary advising her longtime assistant, Huma Abedin, on how to swallow her pride and dignity in support of a cheating husband in exchange for the promise of future power.

  2. It’ll have to have lots of crying, screaming, waddling, thigh crunching and baby eating. Throw in the anonymous Chinese campaign contributors and I’m sure the first printing will disappear off the shelves… somewhere.

    Thanks for the Podcast link, Harvey… good one!

  3. Wait a minute. She’s not the villain? Is this a Superman episode from Bizarro World?

    These loons have already done comic books for the vile Kathy Griffin and Rosie O’Donnell among other loathsome women. Say no more, says I.

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