This One’s Bugging Me – Updated

I found this picture at

My first thought was “there’s gotta be a ‘dinosaurs with rocket launchers’ joke in here somewhere.”

Or ANY kind of joke, for that matter (the original Demovtivational caption was pretty weak).

I’m not having much luck. Thought I’d give you guys at crack at this thing.

UPDATE: Per Svenn Diagram’s comment, this is from a relatively new Australian show called “Danger 5“. Here’s part 1 of the first episode (no dinosaurs, they come in during episode 3):

[YouTube direct link]

I don’t know what to compare it to, other than a low-budget, extra-campy version of “Our Man Flint”. Highly recommend for fans of 60’s spy-kitsch.


  1. In the modern era, this weapons system has been fully modeled by a supercomputer and found to aim accurately 1.2% of the time. This is considered acceptable as the location of OWS protesters has been found to follow a non-Gaussian, random distrubution. Plus, it steps on people.

    (Okay, I tried the high-tech approach. Meh…)

  2. If I had to pick a Demotivational meme, I’d go with

    “Nazi Triceratops with horn-mounted machine gun – still a better love story than Twilight”

    Also, “more facial expressions than Kristen Stewart.”

  3. When your cable goes out you get angry.
    When you get angry you go out looking for an adventure.
    When you go out looking for an adventure a big hormy nazi finds you.
    When the big horny nazi finds you it smashes your town and leaves Harvey speechless.
    Don’t leave Harvey speechless. Switch to Satellite today.

  4. As a Liberal Nazi, when a Conservative wins, you get angry.
    When you get angry, you mount a dinosaur with machine gun.
    When you mount a dinosaur with machine gun, you kill cops.
    When you kill cops, you’re found guilty and injected with lethal poison.
    Don’t get injected with lethal poison. Become a Conservative.

  5. 1. “The Australian contribution to the Afghan coalition was light in numbers but heavy in Badass”

    2.”Dang it mom I said I wanted a Laserausaurus.”

    3. Rifleosaurus’ toes smell like honey badger

    4. Not just any gun rack would do for Teddy Roosevelt.

  6. “When it absolutely has to be there overnight”.

    Dinonazi’s, who knew?

    Slow and steady win the race?

    Nazi’s and dinosaurs, even mother nature denies them.

    Motorcade leader Tricer 001, nothing’s too good for our fearless leader.

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