Awesome Nail Gun Even Awesomer Than You Thought – Only Shoots Bullets

4of7 [High Praise!] sent me this picture and accompanying explanation, which he received via Million-Times-Forwarded-Email:

A must have in every home in America !

For everyone who would rather not have a gun in the house!

In view of the recent Supreme Court ruling, sales of this new product may skyrocket.

Washington thinks they are going to take away our guns, so check this out. I like it!

NAIL GUNS! AND, you don’t even have to REGISTER them or have LICENSES for them!

AND, you don’t have to worry about them being CONCEALED!

Just a LOT of good stuff to do with THIS!

Once in awhile something so totally cool comes out that even a guy who doesn’t normally know what he’d like for Father’s Day or Christmas would immediately ask for it:

Thank you, DeWalt!!!

New Nail Gun, made by DeWalt

It can drive a 16-D nail through a 2×4 at 200 yards.

This makes construction a breeze, you can sit in your lawn chair and build a fence.

Hundred round magazine.

Someone invades your home, just nail his ass!

Turns out this isn’t a nail gun. It’s a fully-functional M-16. The creator talks about how he went about making it, and also serves up more pictures at


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