It’s Only Flaw? It’s Non-Toxic

Yes, it’s a plastic shotgun that uses ordinary table salt to shoot flies.

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #606,475)

I want one just so that I can fill it with pepper and take it to an Occupy rally.


  1. Things I’ve tried over the years:

    Ammonia water in a squirt gun for attacking dogs. (Ends the attack real quick.)

    Ammonia water or bleach in a spray bottle for insects. (Clears ’em out fast but protect your eyes.)

    BB’s in deer’s butts. (Makes ’em run real fast away from fruit trees.)

    Poultry netting over berry gardens. (Only way to keep the crop-devastating birds out.)

  2. When I’m hunting a fly that refuses to land, or keeps landing on fragile objects – squirt the bastard with Windex (or its generic equivalent glass cleaner).

    You can wet their wings in the air so they have to land, and then you can either squish ’em or spray a puddle around them, from which they will quickly die of ammonia poisoning.

    Then just wipe up the Windex with a paper towel. If you miss any, it’ll evaporate cleanly soon enough.

  3. When I was a Surgery Tech, if a fly got into the operating room,
    the Anesthesitist would draw a syringe of flourane -think ether-
    and knock the little infection ridden critter down with a spray.

  4. I like the product and the comments.

    So, what can you point at a cockroach to stop it in its tracks until the better half arrives for final disposal?

    Is there heavy-duty silly string?

  5. Tom, I recommend a 12 ga. loaded with #7 shot. Yes, it is loud, and some folks might consider it “overkill”, but it keeps the neighbors away. You, though, should always remember: “There is no ‘overkill’. There is only ‘open fire’ and ‘time to reload’. (HT to Howard Taylor and his “70 Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries”)

  6. I’m not sure what’s so manly about a plastic shotgun that shoots table salt to paste flies. When I was a kid I cut through a farmer’s field one too many times and he used a real shotgun and rock salt to paste my backside.

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