Straight Line of the Day: Today Is Anonymiss’s Birthday. What Should She Do to Celebrate?

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Today is Anonymiss’s birthday. What should she do to celebrate?


  1. …kick back and enjoy the day, but keep the oven warm: It looks like you’ll be baking a whole lot of Kiss-Up cookies tomorrow.


    …bake a bunch of gun-shaped cookies for Veteran’s Day.

  2. Bask in the knowledge that she has made the world a friendlier, happier, and therefore better, place, and in the love and affection of people who have never met her, yet feel they know her. Cookies forever!

  3. Make Harvey bake her favorite cookies for her.

    Laugh maniacally while force-feeding double chocolate chip cookies to hog-tied liberal hippies (aka, cookie-boarding).

    Bask in the warm adoration of her extended Internet family. Happy birthday!

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