Random Thought: Batman and Age of Adult

Can we at least all agree that humans deciding they want to engage in the reproductive act without reproducing and the solution to that being tiny killing will not make the top ten list of “Most Civilized Things Humanity Has Ever Done”?

Seems like the good economy would help Trump against people with radical plans like Bernie Sanders (don’t rock the boat!), but I don’t know if it would help him much against someone boring like Biden.

It would be kind of funny if there’s like 50 Democratic candidates for president and then Biden just runs away with it.

Yay! My brother is moving to Texas! It’s Frasier and Niles back together!

I hate when a programming language makes me but a break in the default for a switch statement. There’s nothing to break!

I didn’t think anyone thought Gen X was particularly special; they just stand out versus the two generations they’re sandwiched between by not being terrible.

It doesn’t convince me you’re very secure in your position when you spend most of your time arguing why other opinions aren’t allowed.

They’re “feminist.” That’s why they focus on the men who are pro-life and completely ignore the women.

It seems like a lot Democrats have to be running just to get their consolation copy of Democratic Presidential Primary the Home Game.

Has either side in the abortion debate tried yelling more? Maybe if one side were louder and angrier, that would solve things.

“If you will kill a convicted murderer, then why won’t you kill a baby?”
*mic drop*

When is Hillary going to enter the presidential race?

My 6yo said “I’m going to do it myself so I don’t have to say please or thank you.”
I’m not sure whether to encourage or discourage that attitude.
Sounds like he’s a budding libertarian.

Every generation gets the Batman it deserves.

I can’t believe my wife is always finding out what the kids like and making a cake of it for their birthdays. If it was up to me, I’d be like “You kids like circles? Here’s a circle cake.”

This is weird. I’m finding myself avoiding spoilers to a show I don’t plan to watch because I don’t to be spoiled to how people will react on Twitter.

My biggest hope is that as the final episode comes to a close, GRRM tweets out “That’s not how it’s supposed to end!”

I finished reading The Silmarillion. I think I’ll later need to do a lengthy rant about it as that thing was ridiculous on a number of different levels.

I hope if you solve all the puzzles in Baba Is You you get to a screen that says “A Winner Is You”
My wife who never plays video games has been a big help. I just can’t get my thinking outside the box enough to solve the later puzzles.

My guess is at the end Jon Snow finally embraces his destiny, lifts his sword, and shouts, “By the power of Grayskull…” and then we find this is all leading into a He-Man reboot with Dany as Evil-Lyn.

I don’t think there’s anything left to say that wasn’t said in the theme song.
“You take the good,
You take the bad,
You take them both and there you have
The Game of Thrones,
The Game of Thrones.“

“When the world never seems
To be livin up to your dreams
And suddenly you’re finding out
The Game of Thrones are all about you.”
It was always about you, the fans.

I don’t like going downtown because I don’t like have to put mental effort into parking. You go someplace, there’s a parking lot right there and you park. That’s how I do things.

I wonder if a CEO could use the Buttigieg dodge if questioned about his pay.
“Why are we talking about that? It’s less than 1% of our company’s revenue.”

I don’t like these variable adult ages. Voting, guns, alcohol, tobacco, being tried as an adult, getting kicked of your parents insurance should all be the same age.

I kinda of seems like the left now spend half their time arguing how throwing things at people is proper political discourse and the other half being completely incoherent.

Remember: The goal is to be less terrible than Trump. I don’t know how everyone keeps limboing under that low of a hurdle.

Why do we let people drive a car at an earlier age than own a handgun? Cars kill more people than guns—probably partly because of letting young people drive.

I have strong opinions on how I don’t care about what you’re talking about.

“That man is quite tough.”
“Yes. We call him a ‘badass.’ That may seem like a non sequitur, but it is his low-quality buttocks that has made him indomitable.”


  1. Has either side in the abortion debate tried yelling more? Maybe if one side were louder and angrier, that would solve things.


  2. “Yay! My brother is moving to Texas! It’s Frasier and Niles back together!”

    um…weren’t Frasier and Niles….you know….(makes vague gesture implying “gay”)

    I always had my suspicions about those two…especially that Niles. When I lived in L.A. my landlord had a “brother” like that too. He died of Unspeficied Mysterious Wasting Illness in the mid 90’s

    Still, though Texas is probably the state that’s most likely to fix…..(makes vague gesture implying “gay” again). According to The Movies, it certainly isn’t Montana.

  3. “I hate when a programming language makes me but a break in the default for a switch statement. There’s nothing to break!”

    In my programming experience, there’s everything to break.

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