Beto O’Rourke: “I Believe In the Virtues Of Honesty, Hard Work, Perseverance, and Leveraging the Coercive Power of Government to Forcibly Empty Other People’s Wallets Into A Big Pile Of Money That I Control”

“…and when the pile of your money gets THIS high, I’ll use half of it to pay government employees to spend the other half.”

NEW YORK CITY (AP) – During a recent interview with the New York Times, Democrat presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke discussed some of the the many values that he shares with his voter base, including his steadfast beliefs in honesty, hard work, perseverance, and leveraging the coercive power of government to forcibly empty other people’s wallets into a big pile of money that’s under his control.

Asked “how do you feel you connect with the American people?”, Beto’s dull eyes seemed to brighten, almost as though the interviewer’s smile and vigorous nodding tipped him to the fact that he’d just been lobbed a softball question with no wrong answer.

“I wish to say to all the American people: I am just like you. I’m honest, just like you. Hard working, just like you. Gutsy and determined, just like you, and I want to take full control over all the money you’ve earned, just like you.”

O’Rourke slipped easily into his justification for being the arbiter of all things personal finance.

“Look, everyone hates billionaires who don’t deserve their money, which is all of them,” explained Beto, “but what most people don’t realize is that millionaires don’t deserve their money, either. And what even more most people don’t realize is that they themselves are millionaires! I mean, say you make $25,000 a year. In 40 years, that’s a million dollars. Boom! Millionaire! Maybe not this year, but it’s coming, and it means you can’t be trusted.”

“On the bright side,” Beto continued, “if you put all your ill-gotten loot into a big pile, I can spend it using an unaccountable bureaucracy. And since they didn’t earn the money, and don’t personally deserve a penny of it, their hands are clean, and they can spend it with a clear conscience while standing on the moral high ground above the shoddy-souled billionaires and trillionaires who’ve ruined this country. And all you have to do to make this dream come true for all of me… um, us… is to vote for me to take control of the vast and often unchecked political power of the office of the American presidency.”

“Sure, it means you really have to trust me, but like I said in the beginning – I am just like you,” O’Rourke concluded, before driving away in a limousine with his billionaire heiress wife, Amy.

[IMAO Ace Reporter Anonymiss contributed to this story]


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  1. Beto O’Rourke: “I Believe In the Virtues Of Honesty, Hard Work, Perseverance, and Leveraging the Coercive Power of Government to Forcibly Empty Other People’s Wallets Into A Big Pile Of Money That I Control”

    False: Beto never said the words “Honesty, Hard Work, Perseverance” or “and.”

  2. Every time I hear the words politician and money, I picture the scene from the Dark Knight where the Joker sets fire to that pile of money. I’m certain the net result is about the same.

    • I wonder. The Treasury routinely replaces old, worn out currency. Would “replacing” that many bills actually have an inflationary effect? It would not change the actual amount of money in circulation, right?

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