Liberals Furious Over Trump’s “Secret Russian Ties” Men’s Neckwear Line

“Looks good. Just needs a label that says ‘hand wash only in liberal tears'”

NEW YORK (AP) – As liberals continue to fume with impotent rage over their complete inability to find a single high crime or misdemeanor in the Mueller Report, President Trump has chosen to go beyond his normal “elbow in the ribs” Twitter snarkery into the realm of straight-up, Moe Howard fingers-in-the-eyes by launching a line of men’s neckwear dubbed “Secret Russian Ties”.

Off Capitol Hill, the outrage is, if possible, even deeper than that of the thwarted politicians in the House. Social media is alight with the glowing conflagration of their consternation.

“I don’t understand why he would do this!” said one liberal who goes by the internet handle of ‘trumphater65844954‘. “It’s like he’s deliberately mocking us! We’ve been trying scheme after scheme to get this clown impeached, yet every time he gets away scot free and we end up looking like a coyote who just used an ACME product. Why would someone mock us about THAT?”

Trumph8rToTwoToo was equally livid.

“It’s childish! It’s insulting! It also discriminates against women – who don’t wear neckties – and minorities getting paid less than $15 an hour who can’t afford them. If Trump is so Russian, where are the babushkas? And how come you can’t get one for free by standing in line outside a store with empty shelves all day? It’s like the guy knows nothing about Russia culture. We should impeach him for being a xenophobe!”

In the calmer parts of the internet, sales of Secret Russian Ties were brisk, with reporting that over 100,000 of them were shipped within 24 hours of the line’s launch. Top sellers included designs titled “Nesting Dolls”, “Ushanka”, “Putin Riding a Bear”, “Moose and Squirrel!”, and “Mueller Report Cover”.

Available for $125, each tie comes with a certificate of authenticity guaranteeing that President Trump held lengthy, covert conversations with the manufacturer about “delivering the goods.”


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  1. How racist and sexist are Armani suits for Walmart greeters that can’t afford one to wear to work? Or Lamborghinis and Ferraris that minimum wage earners can’t afford to drive to their jobs at McDonalds? Gulfstream jets are an affront to anyone who can only afford to fly coach?

    Learn to code and earn more money.

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