Random Thoughts: The Minimum Wage and The Justice League

Trump and Ilhan Omar are both horrible, bigoted people, but they’re our horrible, bigoted people.

“Can the ACLU sue him for hate speech?” seems like something that should go in the hall of fame of dumb comments, but considering the ACLU’s regression, it may one day happen.

If someone can’t produce $15 worth of value an hour, it should be illegal to hire him.

All I remember about Top Gun is how I could never successfully land on the air craft carrier. But I think that was the NES game.
Seriously, landing on a real air craft carrier can’t be as hard as landing on one in the Top Gun NES game.

Raising the minimum wage is the perfect fake caring. It puts all the burden on a few businesses most of the wealthy left don’t care about, and if it just makes thing worse for the poor — as predicted — they’ll never know or care.

I’m not going to watch the Cats trailer and you can’t make me.

“So your 2020 choice: What’s worse — a socialist or a racist?”
“And we’re choosing who to send to prison?”
“No. Who will be president.”

I swear, if voting were mandatory, you’d need to send the National Guard if you really wanted my input.

If Republicans all denounced a Republicans as racist, that might mean something. But Democrats calling a Republican racist is just white noise and doesn’t mean anything to anyone.

Just to update, Winchester is almost 6 months old now. According to his physical therapist, he’s tracking with typical babies on physical development (though I think his head control is a little behind). We just started him on solid foods, and he seems to really like bananas.

The hierarchy for him is still Mommy >>>>> Daddy, but I’m working on it.

The biggest lie of any politician — and the one you should absolutely not fall for — is “I know what I’m doing.”

I’ve never quite understood what “Seb Gorka” is and you’re not going to make me find out.

My prediction for 2020 is that no matter who wins, we’re going to end up with a worse president than we have now.

If you want to chill about politics, you just have to learn to accept that things are going to be bad no matter what. It’s like when I’m stuck outside in a downpour, I don’t run. You’re going to get soaked either way, so might as well be calm about it.

Am I missing something, because it just seems really weird that someone from Somalia is obsessed with Israel. What is even the relation between those two countries?

I haven’t finished reading The Brothers Karamazov yet, but I’m pretty sure Hellbender is better than it. I’m over a thousand pages into that Russian novel, and I’ve only laughed out loud once (“we’ve adopted the metric system, you know”).

Maybe it’s a little late to ask this, but what is Elvis’s song “Hound Dog” about?
I think I got the gist of “Jailhouse Rock,” though.

Trump might be the most successful president ever, as he’s kept all his campaign promises: wrestle an alligator, bomb Belgium, tax cut

Man landing on the moon ten years before I was born felt like this promise during my childhood of great things to come… though it never did. Perhaps my children are of the generation that will go to Mars, though.

If you’re obsessed with banning plastic straws, you’re not an environmentalist. You’re an irritant.

Oh. Good. They’re making more Marvel movies. I like those.

I didn’t get The Brothers Karamazov. I thought it would add up to more. The trial part at the end lost me. And despite the length, I didn’t feel I got to know Ivan well enough.
A few parts evoked real emotion, but it was all disconnected. And I liked the sentiment it ended on, even if I didn’t really get how it tied into everything.
And again, despite the length, I think my novel Hellbender has a thousand times more laughs.

Saw Justice League as it was finally available to rent digitally after HBO or Showtime or something had it exclusive. It was entertaining but dumb.
The villain, Steppenwolf, was like the uber generic villain. Almost felt like a placeholder. “Interesting villain goes here.”
And one of my main takeaways was that, while I like Amy Adams, I do not like her as Lois Lane. She’s too soft. Lois is supposed to have a hard edge to contract with Clark Kent’s midwestern earnestness.
Anyway, the whole thing just felt like they didn’t try very hard. Villain wants to destroy the world for some reason, so they had to stop him—which mainly meant waiting for Superman to show up. He kinda disproved the whole “we need a team” thing. Just need Superman.

What I also just saw, though, was Shazam. That was fun and very enjoyable. Funny, but also got superhero chills at one point (I think I’m borrowing that phrase from Half in the Bag).
Superhero chills is that feeling you get when the hero is finally stepping up to be the hero he’s meant to be. I like Marvel movies, but they seem to be missing that. Last other example I can think of with that was Wonder Woman.
Next movies I’m waiting to rent digitally are John Wick 3 and Endgame—though that one might finally trick me into buying it digitally so I can see it weeks sooner.

Mr. Rogers is the Chick-fil-A of people.

“Ha! AOC was crying over a parking lot!”
POLITIFACT: “False, haters, we checked a satellite image and it was an empty road.”
I might be paraphrasing
James Taranto, but fact checks are like editorials but dumber.

“Wow. AOC is crying completely real tears over what she’s seeing. Should maybe we point the camera at it and take a picture?”
“Nah. I don’t see what that would add to the story.”

Reviews are important. You can tell me how great my novel is, but that doesn’t help me — I already read it and know it’s great. You need to tell other people. So I can get their money.

If you didn’t know, lots of episodes of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood are available to you if you have Amazon Prime.
For if you’re sick of the kids watching ponies and bad CGI and whatnot.

So is that Harriet Tubman movie a prequel that takes place in the John Wick universe?

BTW, I think Rutger Hauer’s Blind Fury is a fun movie if you haven’t seen it. It’s sort of an American version of Zatoichi with a blind Rutger Hauer taking on mobsters with a cane sword.
He got blinded in Vietnam and the natives there taught him to use a samurai sword for some reason even though I don’t think that’s a thing in Vietnam. It has John Locke from Lost in it (but he’s a coward).
I think I first heard of the film as either Siskel or Ebert listed it as a guilty pleasure. I also remember there’s a scene where thugs try to steal a car from an old lady and she pulls a gun on them, causing them to complain about the need for gun control. Subversive!
I liked the Blind Fury so much, I bought it on DVD a while ago but had to buy it as a double feature with Rutger Hauer’s Omega Doom, which is yet another Yojimbo ripoff but extremely terrible.


  1. If you didn’t know, lots of episodes of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood are available to you if you have Amazon Prime.
    For if you’re sick of the kids watching ponies and bad CGI and whatnot.

    Mr. Rogers had pretty good CGI. He looked almost real.

  2. Trump and Ilhan Omar are both horrible, bigoted people, but they’re our horrible, bigoted people.

    Technically Omar may have committed immigration fraud so we can send her back.

  3. Am I missing something, because it just seems really weird that someone from Somalia is obsessed with Israel. What is even the relation between those two countries?

    She is from the land of Liberal Fantasy, they hate as they will and want and they want to hate Israel. And pretty much everybody else too.

  4. So is that Harriet Tubman movie a prequel that takes place in the John Wick universe?

    Did they get a white transgender to play Tubman? I mean, for the sake of the Gods of Diversity.

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