ACLU Sues Steinway Because Piano Has Only 36 Black Keys

The hate crime of hate keys?

NEW YORK (AP) – The American Civil Liberties Union has brought a discrimination lawsuit against legendary piano manufacturer Steinway & Sons, charging that the company’s products show a “clear racial bias” by having only 36 black keys versus 52 white keys – over 44% more.

The ACLU’s chief legal counsel in the case, Lionel Hutz, called Steinway’s violations “flagrant and egregious”.

“Once upon a time, there were no pianos,” said Hutz, “only harpsichords. They were very popular, every home had one; an elegant instrument, for a more civilized age. And – important historical note – the majority of the keys were black. Fast forward to the modern day, where Steinway has been the dominant force in acoustic keyboard instruments for over a century, and somehow there are barely any black keys left. What are we to make of this symbolic genocide other than it is a deliberate tactic of unconscionable musical bigotry?”

“But really,” said Hutz, “this isn’t about music. This is about the marginalization of an entire race of human beings. How is a person of color supposed to look at a keyboard – ANY keyboard – and not feel shamed, diminished, and ‘othered?’ The statement Steinway makes with its keyboard is that ‘black is an inferior color, and must be kept contained by more numerous and superior white keys.’ Not to mention the fact that the black keys are smaller. They could easily be the same size. But keeping the blacks as a small, vulnerable minority seems to fit better into Steinway’s bigoted agenda.”

Paul Biegler, the attorney for Steinway, called the suit “a ridiculous bucket of hog slop” and said he expected “a quick dismissal.”

“First,” said Biegler, “the piano was invented in the 1700’s. Steinway and Sons didn’t even exist before 1853. Seems to me the person you should be complaining to has probably been dead for 200 years. Might need to talk a little louder, then. Second, the keys of Steinway pianos are made of Bavarian spruce. And you know what you do if you don’t like the color of a piece of wood? That’s right, you can paint it. Third, we are more than happy to customize our pianos for people. But no one has ever ordered a piano with white half-tone keys. Why? Because it looks stupid, and no one wants to pay $150,000 for a stupid-looking piano, no matter how SJW they are. In fact, we offered to make a rainbow keyboard for Elton John, but you know what he said? He said it looked ‘too gay’. Go figure.”

While awaiting the outcome of this trial, the ACLU is still preparing its latest landmark legal effort, suing Glock for making black guns, an obvious racial slur.


< AOC Proposes Balanced Budget After Being Bitten by Radioactive Accountant


  1. Doesn’t matter. AntiFa is going to burn down their factory anyway (as soon as they can find out where in China it’s located) ’cause their pianos have 88 keys. Unforgivable dog whistle violation.

  2. Satire in measured amounts is fun for all, but when it goes too far, like this one, it’s just a bore. Crazy as the world has become, no one could ever read this feeble attempt at humour without a sneer.

    • Sneer quittin’ time, that’s all I know.


      “Nobody enjoys a good joke more than me. Except my wife. And some of her friends. Oh, and Captain Johnson. Come to think of it, most people enjoy a good joke more than me.”

      {Yeah, too lazy to look up the actual wording….}

    • Fipple, this is my house and you are a guest here. I expect you to comport yourself with dignity, and that means that if you are intending to criticize the host, you should do so politely, by stating your criticisms as your opinion.

      “I think that satire in measured amounts is fun, but when it goes too far, like this one, I find it boring. Crazy as the world has become, I couldn’t read this feeble attempt at humour without a sneer.”

      That’s your opinion. That’s fair. And I won’t argue that your feelings are somehow wrong.

      But when you state your opinions in a tone implying that they are facts with which everyone agrees, I find that to go beyond mere impolity to the point of rudeness.

      Please do not be rude to your hosts. I believe that’s just common courtesy.

      Also, you misspelled “humor”

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