Random Thoughts: Endgame and Creating an Audible Book

Question for dogs who tilt their head when something confuses them: Has that ever helped?

The SMOD is going to wait until we solve climate change.

If you want something to be crazy expensive, have the government help people pay for it.

If you guys keep watching these debates, they’ll keep having them.

I finished Endgame. It was good!
I’m not really sure no the extend of Captain Marvel’s powers, though. Seems like everything would have been really easy if she just stuck around.

Kamala Harris is like Oprah, but instead of everyone getting a free car, they get prison.

Yes, Trump is unbelievably awful, but we spent billions of dollars back in 2016 to find a president and he was the best we could come up with.

Seriously, though, Chick-fil-A does great food and customer service, and the people trying to make them into a political entity are making up a battle just to lose it.

UHF is available free if you have Amazon Prime. Time to find out if that’s a movie I only liked because I was a dumb kid.

I’m so libertarian, I bristle every time I use the word “free.”

BTW, remember when Weird Al Yankovich’s American Pie parody about The Phantom Menace came out and he suddenly didn’t have glasses or a mustache anymore? Man, it took me years to accept that.

Got Endgame with Bonus Features on Amazon video, but it’s just one over 7 hour long movie file. No sections or anything you can quickly move between. No way to navigate on a Roku except fast forward. Gives me vague memories of using a VCR.

Though I had an NES and played both Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros 3 when they both came out, I notice I get the most nostalgia feeling for the Super Mario World mode in Mario Marker 2. I was 12 when that came out.
BTW, if you want to check out my Mario Maker levels, my Maker ID is WX4-YQD-22G. In a recent one, I try to bring back the fear of Mario’s first enemy. It’s very conceptual.

Using ACX to get an Audible version of Hellbender. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I just put it up yesterday morning and already have 20 auditions to go through. Hopefully I can find someone good as I think it could be even funnier with the right performance.

We have significant amounts of people on the right and left espousing horrible ideas I thought we left back in the 20th century, and I don’t think either party has someone who will forcefully speak out against both.

I hear the term “common sense gun legislation,” but I haven’t seen any that reflects common sense. There are 400 million guns in this country. If your bill operates under the assumption you can successfully keep people from obtaining guns, then common sense was not a co-signer.

All you people who are yelling at Trump even though he said exactly what you want him to say are convincing me you don’t care about white nationalism or mass shootings — you only care about stupid partisanship.

Finding a narrator for Hellbender isn’t easy. More than half the people who’ve auditioned through ACX seem like they’d do a good job. And now I’ve heard the same part of my book read 100 times and hate my own writing.
I’m just kidding. It’s still hilarious.

If the concern really is 30-50 feral hogs coming after your kids, then I want an AR-15 with one of those 90 round drum magazines.
I don’t think I’d trust myself to one shot, one kill in that situation with feral hogs running everywhere. I’d probably also need a second 90 round magazine as backup. Man, where would I keep all that?
Man, I’d be happy to save my kids, but 180 rounds of .223? That has to be uber expensive.

I know your kids are being threatened, but a range of 30-50 is a pretty large margin of error on your estimation on the number of feral hogs.

“Do you want to scream at Trump or actually solve prob–”
*can’t finish the rest of the sentence because the person is already screaming at Trump*

I don’t trust anyone’s outrage anymore. And the louder people scream, the more I assume they’re trying to cover up they’re just being partisan.

These easily angered screaming idiots know what’s best for society and society should conform.

I think a key to 2020 will be whether more Americans feel personally targeted by Trump or the left.


  1. “I think a key to 2020 will be whether more Americans feel personally targeted by Trump or the left.”

    It’s absolutely true, so it shouldn’t sound as funny as it does.

    Libs are very loudly expressing the fact that they literally feel Trump means them personal bodily harm, and I feel the same way about Libs.

  2. Using ACX to get an Audible version of Hellbender. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I just put it up yesterday morning and already have 20 auditions to go through. Hopefully I can find someone good as I think it could be even funnier with the right performance.

    I discovered if you have a pdf download of a book on Kindle and Alexa you can have her read it to you.

  3. I hear the term “common sense gun legislation,” but I haven’t seen any that reflects common sense. There are 400 million guns in this country. If your bill operates under the assumption you can successfully keep people from obtaining guns, then common sense was not a co-signer.

    This, and much else these days, should be called Commonsense Constitution destruction legislation.

  4. “Do you want to scream at Trump or actually solve prob–”
    *can’t finish the rest of the sentence because the person is already screaming at Trump*

    Why do I think that in a few years “Worse than Hitler” will completely disappear as a catch phrase and be replaced by “Worse than Trump”. to describe anyone the Left is currently hating.

  5. It’s a pity Mario Maker is definitely a game, rather than editing software. I think most of my courses still need significant tweaking to be worth bragging about, but the sort of changes they need are intensely time-consuming to do with the course editor in the game.

    Well, except my Multiplayer Versus levels; none of my friends have Mario Maker 2, so I have essentially no way to tell if the courses are any good.

    By the way, did you play Earthbound? If so, you might get something out of my course at


    It’s nothing special if you don’t get the reference, though.

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