Random Thoughts: Rambo and David Koch

The whole Chick-fil-A thing seems like the left picking a cultural war they didn’t need to just to lose it. Honestly, if you put a Chick-fil-A next to the average left-wing activist, which one is going to come off as more bigoted and hateful?

The worst part of capitalism is having to accept the idea that a person looking to make himself rich can material help the poor a 1000 times more than someone motivated by charity. It’s a bitter pill to accept that intentions don’t equal results.

The assumption seems to be that Sony did something wrong in the Spider-Man dispute because their movies are terrible.

Watching Rambo 2: First Bloodier!
My wife was confused by First Blood. “I thought he’d be running around the jungle or something.” I think this will be more to her expectations.

Man, I vaguely remember playing an NES game based on this movie. I think I had to kill flamingos or something—it was one of those NES games where everything is trying to kill you.

To be honest, Rambo hasn’t really shown a lot of skill in this movie. He just happens to not get hit a lot.

Monopoly: Socialism probably should have came with a “trigger warning” as that’s a good lame boomer joke and also that one guy got totally triggered by it.

What’s so scary about The Babylon Bee is that it’s a well-known scientific fact that conservatives can’t be funny. So what purpose would “satire” serve to them? It’s hard not to imagine something nefarious.
Conservatives, not understanding satire, thinks the purpose of it is to trick people.
“This is a very funny article. It has fooled many people.” is the sort of thing you might hear said if you found yourself among people from the right.
The left, on the other hand, are untrickable. This is just part of having good, smart policy ideas that always work. Thus it’s quite baffling to them this right-wing “humor” where people are fooled into believing things such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not being very bright.
So what’s the solution? We need the government to step in. Just like you can’t say “Fire!” in a crowded theater (or even if it’s merely past two-thirds capacity), you can’t be tricking people in this volatile political climate.
Tlaib and Omar did not try to sneak into Israel stacked on top of each other in a trenchcoat, and it’s dangerous that people might believe that.

Little Winchester is almost 7 months old now. According to physical therapy, he’s still tracking with typical kids and we’re moving on to his 9mo milestones. He loves drinking ice water.

When I sign “love” to him, he always immediately grabs my hand and sticks one of my fingers in his mouth. I think he’s trying to be funny. If so, he should clearly label his satire.

What’s with the songs at the end of the first three Rambo movies? It seems really out of place.

I’m sad to hear about David Koch’s passing. I know there was often a cartoon depiction of the Koch brothers (everyone needs their Emmanuel Goldstein), but he really seemed to be someone who tried to use the wealth he was blessed with to make the world a better place.

For most of the Democratic presidential candidates, the only way they’re going to get anymore news coverage is dropping out.

The far left seem much more defined by hating certain people and groups than being for anything in particular.

If you want to look at the bright side, though don’t actually hate real people — just some imaginary concept they have of certain people. And much of that is usually projection. So the hate and anger is actually very self critical.

Can’t wait until the people who celebrate the death of their political opponents are in charge of health care.

Kind of like some animals have warning colors to know they’re poisonous, some people have warning signals to never give them political power.

One of the greatest technical innovations of our age is adding ridges to potato chips so that they have the structural integrity to withstand thicker dips like bean.

I don’t even understand caring about billionaires. I guess it’s because I have a job and a family and actual problems to deal with.

“Those billionaires, they make me so mad! I mean, I have more wealth than 99% of people throughout history, but billionaires have way more than me and I am going to scrunch up my face and get really mad about it!”

As terrible as the prequels are, it’s hard not to get excited for an Ewan McGregor Obi Wan series.

The left need to take on the moral sickness that’s rotted much of their fringes. It makes all their talk of compassion and tolerance look quite hollow.
No idea how, though. Certainly no one has come up with a good idea on how to similarly clean up the right.
Maybe we can join forces. Or at least find a place to hide together while the rest tear each other apart.

People think expressing their hate shows how much they care about certain issues but all it shows is they like being hateful and are looking for excuses to show it.

Jesus’s statement that people should love their neighbors and love their enemies will never cease to be a radical notion and everyone will always fight against it.
But consider giving in.

I only know Werner Herzog from his cameo in Parks and Rec, but that’s still enough to make me excited to see him in a Star Wars.

The way a surprising large number of the left act when someone they disagreed with dies is one the scariest aspects of the modern left. They get this caricature in their head of political opponents then end up fully dehumanizing them.

It’s not easy to fight against one’s own hate. People instead want to feel righteous about it—justified in it. And the more hateful they are just shows how much they care about injustice or whatever. Instead they just become the worst of whatever they claim to hate.
Maybe I need to do a new book about punching one’s inner nazi. It’s one own hate that’s the biggest problem (and the one you have the most control over).

Why am I getting excited for Star Wars again? I read as a child that dogs will keep going after skunks and getting sprayed and never learn; it seems like that.
But it can be good. Force Awakens was pretty good.
I realize it’s kind of funny how I felt the need to qualify the thing about dogs and skunks. I’m very suspicious of any scientific facts I learned about only has a child.

This whole idea the balance of the Supreme Court rests on when people happen to die is super dumb—like monarchy dumb.
I’ve always thought the Supreme Court was the least well-thought out part of the Constitution.

Check out this great video explaining the whole Babylon Bee/Snopes brouhaha. See Bee headlines animated!

You’ll be happier if you spend less time on Twitter and more time reading books. I’ve written three novels (the latest is Hellbender). Ethan Nicolle wrote about bears. The Babylon Bee has a book. Dostoevsky wrote some things. There’s like a dozen books out there.

So are the She-Hulk, Moon Knight, and Ms. Marvel series announced all live action or animated? And is it possible to take the name “Moon Knight” seriously?

If there’s another Supreme Court vacancy, Trump needs to pick a nominee that will unify this nation… like The Rock.

I’m still surprised that the “mooses” line from Hellbender seems to be the biggest break out line. The narrator working on the Audible version emailed me after reaching it saying he then had to take a break to recover.
I’ve been doing humor a while now, but there’s still so much voodoo to it. Every once in a while I come up with a funny idea and it’s received just as I think it will be, and other times the things I find funniest are things only I find funny.

Watching Rambo III. I’ve seen it before, but all I remember about it are the parts that were parodied in Hot Shots Part Deux.
The Rambo formula to being a great soldier seems to be that people shoot at him and miss and then he shoots back at them and does not miss.
I do like how he treats his wound with gunpowder and fire. Straight from the Boy Scout first aid manual.

Man, they knew how to deal with Commies in the 80s, though.
“You want to make everything free? Take this for free!”
*blows a Soviet up with an explosive arrow*

“There are many faults to your economic system you fail to recognize!”
*fires M60 from the hip*

Nuking hurricanes is one of the main duties of Space Force.

Is there really even a single person out there who takes this Joe Walsh thing seriously?
I swear, politics makes me feel like Frank Grimes these days.

JJ Abrams claims he isn’t trying to undo The Last Jedi, though rumor is that Rise of the Skywalker opens with Rose being executed for treason for how she tried to kill Finn.

Remember that gaslighting campaign where people claimed that The Last Jedi was good and that critics loved it? That was so bizarre.

Man, I hope my last words aren’t “Aiee! I’ve been nuked!”

I find the way a large number of the left have these gleeful celebrations whenever someone on the opposite politically from them dies so depressing. It’s not just that so many people are such hateful little children about politics, it’s that they want to advertise it.
I mean, most racists at least understand they should at least try and hide their shameful hate.
And how can these people be so arrogant and willfully dimwitted to not even imagine people might have good reasons to oppose them politically? I mean, look at them; they’re hateful wieners. Of course they have lots of policy ideas that are just awful; how do they not see this?
Maybe one day they’ll grow out of it. “Oh boy; I used to be such a hateful, arrogant turd. I’d quickly dehumanize anyone who disagreed with me. Luckily there were billionaires out there to fund organizations to make sure people like me never got power.”
“Really, can you think of someone like me in power, someone who can’t even fathom that maybe I’m wrong about something and thus thought everyone opposed to me was evil. Millions would die.”
And they’ve always got some excuse about why whatever issue they’ve glommed onto is so special that their hate is justified, but they don’t really care. The hatred is the point. They like hating and feeling righteous in their hate and to get praised for it.
To look at things outside of some “everyone who is against me is evil” viewpoint would take the mind of an adult, and they just want to be emotional and scream.
And where are the adults on the left? Shouldn’t there be more out there saying, “You petulant little children. Stop jettisoning every single bit of classical liberalism because you love throwing tantrums.”
“Do you mewling idiots have any idea how your gleeful celebrations of the death of people who dared disagree with expose all your talk of tolerance and compassion as absolutely hollow rhetoric.”
The only one on the left I saw speak out so far was Alyssa Milano, pointing out how the rabid bloodlust doesn’t really jive with their whole opposition to the death penalty.
It’s not that hard to understand, though. Some guy murders some people you don’t know, that’s abstract and you can have compassion for that guy. Someone disagrees with you on tax policy, though, that’s personal.
And what do these silly silly people think is going to be the reaction to their performative hate? “Wow! I wish I had the political convictions of those who celebrate the death of whoever disagrees with them!”
“If there’s one thing I know about the Nazis, they had weak political convictions–certainly not enough to wish death on those who disagreed. Only people with smart and correct views could be that certain they’re right.”
Whatever. Anyway, Jesus says to love your neighbor and your enemies. And your fellow citizens are more your neighbor than your enemy — even if they have the opposite politics from you.
We’re all just trying to do what we think is best for this country and for everyone. Try to learn to celebrate that… even if you think others are going about it all wrong.
Well, said my piece. Love you all… even the haters and the losers (and no one is really a loser and we all hate from time to time but should aim to be better).

Trump could set an orphanage on fire because he was cold and wanted to warm himself and the MSM would still somehow overplay it to the point I’d end up having to defend Trump.

Trump’s idea of nuking a hurricane didn’t bother me; it’s his idea of using psychological warfare against volcanoes that’s worrisome.

I’m not upgrading my Kindle until they finally get USB-C. I’m so sick of microUSB. That port always just wears out.

All the Rambo movies are R rated, but the first three look positively G-rated compared to the 4th.
Weirdly, it was $3.99 to rent on Amazon, but $4.99 to buy. I don’t know if I’ll ever watch it again, but sure, here’s the extra buck.

So at the end, Rambo is walking a long road toward a ranch while the credits roll for like ten minutes. I think Stallone was like “Have a stunt double do it; I don’t want to walk that long.” SarahK thinks he did that stunt himself.
Man, Stallone was already in his 60s for that movie. He’s now in 70s for the one coming out later this year. He may be able to kill a bunch of people, but he’ll feel it in the morning.

If someone was ever mean to me on the internet, I’d probably freak out. That would be so crazy. What kind of psychopath would be mean to me? I’m a cool dude everyone loves.

I just don’t understand caring about billionaires. You have an absurd amount of wealth compared to people form 200 years ago. A billionaire has way more than you, but hundreds of years from now people will have way more than him. Who cares?
If you don’t want to be miserable all the time, have some gratitude for what you have and don’t worry about what someone else has.
I think it’s obscene even knowing someone else’s wealth. Whose business is that?
The only absurdly wealthy person who has money he doesn’t deserve that I get angry about is Uncle Sam.
Oh yeah, might as well mention again my short story “The Demon Capitalism” which is about how I find one of the biggest objections about capitalism completely baffling that anyone would care about it.

Has anyone figured out a way to stop Trump yet? Have you tried completely overreacting to everything he says or does?

I shouldn’t have to search for the error among 500 warnings. Maybe when there’s that many warnings, the IDE should be smart enough to know I just don’t care about them.

“WARNING: You defined variable ‘device’ but never used it.”
Maybe one day I will. Leave me alone. Who is it hurting?

Is there a moral difference between a third trimester abortion and infanticide? Seems you can deliver the child just as easily as kill him or her at that point. If so, then abortion would only be morally permissible where infanticide would also be permissible.

At the end of the CNN 7 hour Democratic presidential townhall on climate change, will anyone want the world to continue on?


  1. At the end of the CNN 7 hour Democratic presidential townhall on climate change, will anyone want the world to continue on?

    I was just wanting your blog to continue on for a few more paragraphs. You mentioned the A word (abortion) and you had an opportunity to take it to the next level of Abortion Satire.

  2. Trump could set an orphanage on fire because he was cold and wanted to warm himself and the MSM would still somehow overplay it to the point I’d end up having to defend Trump.

    Headline: Trump Deliberately Increases Carbon Emissions.

  3. The whole Chick-fil-A thing seems like the left picking a cultural war they didn’t need to just to lose it. Honestly, if you put a Chick-fil-A next to the average left-wing activist, which one is going to come off as more bigoted and hateful?

    I certainly know which one will be better tasting.

  4. “This is a very funny article. It has fooled many people.” is the sort of thing you might hear said if you found yourself among people from the right.

    And they have just read the New York Times.

  5. Tlaib and Omar did not try to sneak into Israel stacked on top of each other in a trenchcoat, and it’s dangerous that people might believe that.

    As Joe Jackson once sang, “they wouldn’t print it if it wasn’t true.” Sunday Papers

  6. The far left seem much more defined by hating certain people and groups than being for anything in particular.

    Unless you count hating other people and groups as something they are for in particular.

  7. And they’ve always got some excuse about why whatever issue they’ve glommed onto is so special that their hate is justified, but they don’t really care. The hatred is the point. They like hating and feeling righteous in their hate and to get praised for it.

    They are religious converts of the most zealous kind. Their progressivism is their religion. It has its prophets and orthodoxy and all who are non-believers shall be brought into the fold or else duly chastised for their blasphemy or irredeemable wickedness of their unbelief. Look at any religious movement in history and you can see what is playing out today with the Left over and over and over again.

  8. Weirdly, it was $3.99 to rent on Amazon, but $4.99 to buy. I don’t know if I’ll ever watch it again, but sure, here’s the extra buck.

    You do know you are only “Buying” it until they decide you can’t access your online material. How much was the physical copy on Blu-Ray? You only really “Own it” if you have it in your actual hands.

  9. I think it’s obscene even knowing someone else’s wealth. Whose business is that?

    Real Tolerance is for everyone else to realize it is none of their damn business and for you to realize its none of your damn business.

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