Random Thoughts: Walmart Guns and Fredo

I heard a story that broke my heart. A family had an agreement with a mother to adopt her child, but the child had a birth diagnose of Down Syndrome and the family dropped out. It was made less sad that I heard this from the family who immediately agreed to adopt the boy.
Having a special needs child isn’t easy, but I pray to God I’m up to the task. I don’t think you can do a greater thing in life than make a child feel loved and wanted.

Apparently a lot of people read the 2nd Amendment as “Now let us take a break from listing individual rights to mumble something about militias. Please ignore.”

Wealth is immoral. Let me be burdened with your sins.

Did people just make up this whole thing about The Hunt being about liberals slaughtering MAGA types? There’s none of that in the trailer. And if that is the premise, the liberals are clearly the bad guys.
Or if the production company spread this rumor, bravo on stealth marketing.

I dream of a world where partisanship is considered as big a moral failing as racism.

We need to stop the white supremacists. We also need to stop the not quite as bad but still awful “whites are in my top three.”
Don’t rank the races, people.

Seems like any law designed to stop a bad person from buying a gun could only ever have a marginal effect even if extremely effective since there’s like 400 millions guns out there already purchased.

Of the things sold at Walmart that kill people, would their guns even make the top ten?

I once bought a gun at Walmart. While living in Florida, got an automated phone call from police that there had been break-ins in the area. So I said to myself, “I should own a shotgun.”
So I went to Walmart and I think it cost $200 for a basic pump action shotgun. I think there would have been a waiting period for a background check or something, but it was waived since I had a concealed carry permit.
I bought a box of shells with it. I still have them all as I’ve never fired the thing. It’s not really something you take to an indoor range, is it?
To me, the great thing about a pump action shotgun is it chambers a round really loudly and everyone knows what that sound is.

I hope my son doesn’t end up as absent minded as me. He’s only stepped on the baby three times so far.

“Whoops. Sorry guys. First day as suicide watch guard. I’ll do better tomorrow.”

I read Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and it was nothing like the movie.

That’s pretty damning.

I think at this point we’re less angry at the Clintons and more angry at ourselves for not watching them more closely.

I was just thinking: Who are movie novelizations aimed at? People who would rather read than watch a movie but are still are interested in movies?
I remember reading the novelization of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie as a kid. Action was not as fun in that.

Been meaning to mention that The Pursuit, a documentary by Emergent Order about
Arthur Brooks and free markets, is now on Netflix. I highly recommend it. It’s an exploration of capitalism and its effect (good and bad) on people around the world.
Arthur Brooks is obviously very pro free markets, but what really impressed me with it was him talking with socialists where he was just listening — going at them with the attitude of what are these people right about. I.e, don’t watch The Pursuit expecting the owning of libs.

A pretty amazing thing about my 3yo is she has a couple stuffed animals she wants at bedtime, but she can always tell me exactly where each one is despite always leaving them in different places. I don’t have that memory.
“Can you get me Woofy and Bun Bun, pweese? Woofy is on the couch in the living room and Bun Bun is on the white table in the kitchen.”
She never knows where her shoes are, though.

We can’t use ethnic slurs against Italians anymore? Then who’s left we can use slurs against? The Irish?

I’m a quarter-Italian. I can call people Fredo; you can’t.

Maybe, just maybe, people aren’t against abortion because of white supremacy or because they want to control women but instead oppose abortion for the extremely obvious reasons.
The reasons people are both for and against abortion are fairly obvious and the reasons people plainly state, and to pretend it is all about something else just shows an uncomfortability with dealing with the actual arguments.

Great news! The Hellbender audio book is going into production and should be ready by around the end of the month. We have a professional with a huge vocal range working on it, so I’m very excited to see how it turns out.
This was the first audio book where I got to listen to auditions and pick the narrator. Thanks for all the support so far; there wasn’t originally going to be an audio book but the book has done really well.

As appalling as Trump is, it seems like one shouldn’t have to sacrifice all his integrity to oppose Trump, but in practice it is apparently very hard.

“Stop the presses! Stop the presses! We’re getting ratioed on Twitter!”
All the news that won’t upset Twitter mobs.

I’m reading a book on gross motor skills for children with Down syndrome and it makes everything from rolling over to crawling to standing seem so complicated I’m not sure how any of our other kids learned how to do any of it.
I guess that’s part of the point, though: These are all extremely complex movements involving lots of subtle balance and other issues that we usually never need to think about. If you have to break it down step by step, it’s complicated.


  1. Apparently a lot of people read the 2nd Amendment as “Now let us take a break from listing individual rights to mumble something about militias. Please ignore.”

    If you don’t want to take the 2nd amendment seriously why should anyone take any other Amendment seriously like the 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th 15th, 16th or 19th amendments for starters?

  2. “I was just thinking: Who are movie novelizations aimed at? People who would rather read than watch a movie but are still are interested in movies?”

    They say Alistair MacLean wrote the novel of one of his movies, I think it was Where Eagles Dare at the same time as he was writing and filming the screenplay; the novel is the way he wanted to write it and the differences are where the director or producer made changes. MacLean could really churn ’em out; I thought I had read most of his books, but then I read his Wikipedia page, and there’s lot more I haven’t read.

  3. We can’t use ethnic slurs against Italians anymore? Then who’s left we can use slurs against? The Irish?

    You can insult them for being white but not for where they are from. Know the rules for chrissakes!

  4. Maybe, just maybe, people aren’t against abortion because of white supremacy or because they want to control women but instead oppose abortion for the extremely obvious reasons.

    I’m not an intellectual or even play one on TV but it seems to me that if you are a White Supremacist then being pro-abortion would be a natural position. Killing the offspring of POC and Liberals? BRILLIANT!

  5. Did people just make up this whole thing about The Hunt being about liberals slaughtering MAGA types? There’s none of that in the trailer. And if that is the premise, the liberals are clearly the bad guys.
    Or if the production company spread this rumor, bravo on stealth marketing.

    I’m pretty sure they had to cancel the movie because Ace of Spades spoiled it for everybody in this post.
    If you can hold your nose through the superfluous chicken-noises, you’ll find an argument that’s hard to counter.

      • Yeah, the useful point only starts around halfway into the post, buried under his usual grudge against more-famous conservatives. Once you’re at the paragraph that begins

        First of all, in any group of 6-10 characters

        he starts the actual argument. It still relies heavily on speculation, but it moves the prediction about the movie denigrating conservatives from “absurdly wrong” to “a very likely outcome”.

        • Shorter Ace of Spades:

          Based on other horror movies, some of the people getting killed off will be ones you think deserved it because they are obnoxious stereotypical racists. The survivors who fight back and win will be RINOs who are “acceptable” enough that they shouldn’t have been included among the hunted in the first place.

          The message of the movie: not all Republicans deserve to die for their beliefs. But some do.

    • Reminds me of trying to teach division.

      “It’s called the numerator. Because it is. You put it over the other number, which is called the denominator, because it is. You have to give them names, and these are the names people agreed to give them. So there they are, one over the other, because that’s where people look for them. And here’s the custom . . . “

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