IMAO Time Machine: Know Your Enemy – Hanukkah

Laurence Simon posted this in 2005. Yes, we know Hanukkah started a couple of days ago. We know it’s late, but seriously, what do you expect? — The Editors

In honor of this being the first day of Hanukkah, I – the Token Jew of IMAO™ – have decided to post the FAQ that I use for when people ask me all sorts of stupid Hanukkah questions:

How is Hanukkah spelled?

Just like it’s pronounced.

Why doesn’t Hanukkah start on the same day every year?

It does. You’re just using the wrong calendar, a-hole.

What Channukkah music is there to play?

Don’t bother. Not even Apple would charge for it on iTunes.

Is (X) Jewish?

What am I, the Tel Aviv White Pages?

Why is the menorah lit at night?

Because it’s dark at night, stupid. What, you’re going to waste such nice candles to light the day? Are you Catholic or something?

Why are Hanukkah candles sold in boxes of 44?

Because Jews are good at math.

What’s the song that people sing while lighting the candles?

It’s called “Baruch Adutoy Adenoi.” It roughly translates to “Don’t burn your fingers, Dummy.”

How do you size a yamulke?

Your bald spot plus one inch.

What foods are eaten during a Hanukkah celebration?

Whatever your mother puts in front of you. Don’t complain!

Is it true that versions of Clue in Israel use a menorah instead of a candlestick?

No, but Monopoly race car token has been replaced by a sensible four-door sedan that gets good gas mileage.

Is it okay to gamble on which candle goes out first?

No. Shame on you.

Eight reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh. What pulls Hanukkah Harry’s cart?

A tow truck. I told him not to park there, but he never listens.

What if you blow out the candles before they are done?

You die.

Are you supposed to abstain from any particular activities during Hanukkah?

Don’t be such a putz.

What if the smoke alarm goes off?

Don’t buy cheap candles next time, you goniff.

In a fight between Aquaman and Hanukkah Harry, who would win?

Nobody. This is a season for peace, not fighting.

Why can’t I get Hanukah off when my friends get Christmas off?

Wait… you have Christian friends? What’s wrong with you?

I’ve seen electric menorahs. Are they okay to use?

No. People will think you’re gay.

What’s the meaning of the Hannukkah bush?

Some imbecile tried to assimilate. We kicked him out of the congregation years ago. Maybe you’ve heard of him? David Duke?

People who celebrate Kwanza also light candles. Is this related to the Hanukkah menorah?

Some black person broke into a Jew’s house, and stole the menorah. But he broke off two candles in the process. He also got the stereo and the silverware, but those were fenced before they could be incorporated into the ceremony.

What is the meaning of the four symbols on the dreidel?

Oy! Is this dreidel safe for kids? Player must examine dreidel for sharp edges before next player takes turn.

Huh? – Meaning of symbol lost in Shoah. All players weep profusely in shame.

Nu? – Player must clean the dreidel because they’re playing on such a dirty floor.

Feh! – Player determines that spinning a top is a stupid game and goes off to play some X-Box.

What goes “Oy, that burns! Oy, that burns! Oy, that burns! Oy, that burns! Oy, that burns! Oy, that burns! Oy, that burns! Oy, that burns!” ?

A blind guy on the eighth day of Hannukah.

What if you live in a neighborhood that prohibits the burning of candles in a menorah?

Burn your neighbors’ houses down instead.

Why are gifts given on every one of the eight nights of Chanukah?

It helps the economy.

If Christians have Santa Claus bring gifts, what do Jews have for Chanukkah?

The decency not to fill their kids’ heads with fairy tales and lies.

IMAO Time Machine: Frank J.’s Worst Nightmare

We used to be more concerned with monkeys than we are today. Maybe we’ve defeated the Great Monkey Threat. But, I’m not sure. Laurence Simon was concerned about monkeys on this week in 2015. — The Editors

Some of you know that I write a lot of 100 word stories at a site called 100 Words Or Les Nessman. The small group of “House Writers” post up stories based on a daily theme, and they rotate theme-selection duties.

Visitors are welcome to post their own 100 word stories in the comments. Sort of like an Iron Chef kind of thing, only that people in the audience will sometimes reach into their purses for their hibachis and starter ingredients.

Anyway, today’s theme is of some concern:

Everybody loves them, or is that hates them, or whatever.

Without referencing ANY of the Planet of the Apes movies, my son wonders what would happen if the world was ruled by monkeys?

Monkeys? Ruling the world?

You won’t let that happen, Frank, right? No nasty, smelly monkeys are going to take over the world on your watch?

I really don’t want to start sucking my thumb again. My wife threw out the old sucky-thumb-stopping oven mitt and I don’t want to ruin another one because I’m scared that monkeys will take over the world.

I’d… I’d… I’d rather see the world ruled by Democrats and liberls before monkeys.

You’ve got a plan for stopping that too, Frank?


IMAO Time Machine: Addicted To Oil

Laurence Simon shared this in 2006. — The Editors

(My apologies to the late Robert Palmer)

“Addicted To Oil”
by W

Your enginer’s on, back on the road
You’re at the bank, you need a loan
Your heart sweats, your body shakes
The heating bill is all it takes

You can’t drive, stuck in the grass
That SUV burns too much gas
Your budget’s tight, you can’t breathe
A smaller car is what you need

Whoa, you like to think that you’re conservin’ the stuff, oh yeah
It’s closer to the truth to say you can’t burn enough
You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to oil

You saw the signs, but paid no heed
The price of oil made you concede
Those OPEC thieves took your last dime
That ANWR land is looking fine, a one track mind

You can’t be saved
A hybrid car is all you crave
If there’s some gas for you
You don’t mind if you do

Whoa, you like to think that you’re conservin’ the stuff, oh yeah
It’s closer to the truth to say you can’t burn enough
You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to oil

IMAO Time Machine: Hey hey, we’re the monkeys!

Laurence Simon wrote this in early 2006. — The Editors

(Via J-Walk)

Watch out, Frank. The Monkey Police are on the loose…

New research reveals that monkey cops help keep social groups in line.

Not having guns or nightsticks, they leverage their group seniority, craft intimidating reputations and count on good voter turnout.

Take the primate police out of a group, as researchers did, and the rest get more violent and aggressive. Interaction between cliques drops significantly.

“It’s not just that violence goes up, but a whole range of behavior involving a whole range of individuals suddenly disappears,” said David Krakauer of the Santa Fe Institute. “It’s like saying you take police out of human society, and all of a sudden people stop going to the opera, or something more important.”

The study, detailed in today’s issue of the journal Nature, also uncovered a complex monkey “voting” system for appointing the peacekeepers.

Monkey social police? Monkey voting?

I, as the proud owner of an undergraduate degree in Biology which I display proudly in some back closet, don’t like the looks of this at all.

My razor-keen scientific mind and Semitic propensity for trying to make a profit from everything leads me to believe that pretty soon there will be an all-monkey economy replacing ours. Next thing you know, there will be monkey sitcoms, monkey coffeehouses, monkey liposuction clinics, and monkey armies.


I’d better warn Frank.

Unless… he’s been replaced… oh, God, no… BY A MONKEY BLOGGER!

IMAO Time Machine: Mega M&Ms

Here’s one from 2005 by Laurence Simon. — The Editors

I guess Mega M&Ms are here to stay.

A new line of Mega M&M’s, which on average are 55 percent bigger than the originals, were introduced Thursday at Grand Central Station in Manhattan.

“It’s the candy that everyone loves, but with a bigger chocolate taste,” said Masterfoods USA spokeswoman Joan Buyce. Masterfoods USA owns the M&Ms brand and is a part of privately-held food manufacturer Mars, Inc.

While Mini M&M’s are popular among moms and kids, the new, bigger M&M’s are designed with adults in mind. “It broadens our portfolio so there’s something for everyone,” Buyce said.

I disagree. You’re still leaving people out. And according to people like Ken Livingstone and George Galloway, if you don’t include people, they end up being excluded and driven to terrorism.

We can’t have that, can we?

So, in the spirit of inclusion and multiculural sensitivity/diversity, what’s next in the world of M&Ms?

  • Mesquite-Grilled M&Ms – Once upon a time, mesquite just grew everywhere, minding its own business. Then someone boneheaded Texan tossed his cigarette on one, it caught fire, and the rest is history. Well, except for the M&M part.
  • M&Ms for the visually impaired – Who’s the wise guy who filled my candy dish with U&U’s?
  • M&Ms for Girls – You can dress them up in ten different interchangeable outfits! Do their hair! Paint their nails! You can give yourself a candy-coating lip gloss!
  • Mu&Mus – It’s all Greek to me. You like-a the juice?
  • EmineM&Ms – M&M provides five million dollars worth of M&Ms to Eminem to use in his newest video only to find out he writes lyrics saying that the candies suck.
  • Kosher M&Ms – A little something to nosh on, perhaps?
  • MM& – Specially forumulated for Dyslexics.
  • M&M. Night Shyamalans – They’re hugely popular, have widespread critical acclaim, and right before you finish them you get a surprise twist aftertaste that lets everyone down.

If you don’t see these varieties of M&Ms, rough up your neighborhood grocer today until he puts them on the shelves.

(Don’t believe his lies! He’s hiding them in the back!)

What If the Jews Did Run CNN?

CNN’s Rick Sanchez thinks Jon Stewart is a bigot and Jews run CNN.

I don’t think Jews run CNN, but If they did:

  • Instead of a headquarters in Atlanta, they’d have a timeshare in

  • Every time they cover a disaster, they’d pledge fifty bucks.
  • For Passover, they’d hide the liberal bias in the studio and let the
    kids search for it.

  • Crossfire’s tagline: “One From The Left, One From The Right, Three

  • Instead of losing money, it would be profitable. But not too much. It
    doesn’t want to show off. It makes enough to live on, and it’s thankful
    for that.

  • More pointing and squinting.
  • After years on television, they’d have made a movie by now, or at
    least opened on Broadway.
    – Hide quoted text –

  • AOL would have paid wholesale for Time Warner instead of retail.
  • Instead of James Earl Jones saying “This is CNN.” you’d hear Gilbert
    Gottfried shout “CNN: It’s Like An Orgasm Of News!”

  • Lawrence Harvey Zeiger wouldn’t have changed his name to Larry King.
    (Zieger’s a fine name. Why change it? What, you’re not proud of it?)

  • And he’d have been replaced by Jon Stewart.

…as opposed to chopping them off?

The Saudi Foreign Minister is heading to Annapolis, but according to TIME Magazine, he’s not there to shake hands:

Will you try to get to know him at the conference, shake his hand and have a chat?
No, this is not theater. We are going seriously for peace negotiations. We are not going there just to take pictures of somebody shaking somebody’s hand. We can’t give false impressions to people. The hand that has been extended to us has been a fist so far. Once it opens for peace, it will be shaken.
Will you avoid shaking his hand if he approaches you?
I’m not going to be there for theatrical gestures of shaking hands that mean nothing. You shake hands, and it implies that you have agreed on something. We have not agreed on anything yet. Better than shaking our hands, he should respond in honesty to the proposals that we have put on the table.
Shaking his hand could send a signal to Israelis that there is a partner for peace.
We are there to support Mahmoud Abbas, the Syrians, and the Lebanese to get their territory. We are there in all honesty, if peace is achieved, to pursue that what was promised in the Arab peace plan. That is normalization, after the peace. We are not going to be party to gestures that could be interpreted as normalization before peace is attained.

TIME Magazine cut out the rest of this line of questioning:
What if Ehud Olmert disguises himself as a Mexican and tries to shake hands with you?
The hair-weave and mustache may fool me, but the hook-nose and tourist-quality sombrero would be a dead giveaway.
According to some medical journals, Israeli researchers have perfected limb-grafting and transplantation. What if Ehud Olmert grafted an Arab hand to his wrist and offered to shake hands with you?
I would demand the return of the stolen Arab hand and for Olmert to return to the 1967 borders.
What if you find yourself eating spaghetti at the conference, start slurping at a long strange, and find yourself face-to-face with Ehud Olmert? Will you kiss him like that Lady In The Tramp movie?
No, but I may be convinced to negotiate the nuzzling of a meatball in his direction. But the Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians will be left to negotiate their own meatballs.
What if Ehud Olmert refuses to shake hands with you?
What if he reaches out to you in a crowd, sticks his hand out, you reach for it, and he pulls it back and yells GOTCHA! or something?
I refused to shake hands with him first! Arabs refused to shake first long before Jews refused to shake first!
Maybe he sticks his arm through the arm of someone else and…
No, really. Cut it out. Do you want me to raise the price of oil, Infidel?
How do you respond to the accusation that you’re not acting as negotiators when you make a proposal and then refuse to discuss its terms with the party it is being offered to?
That’s as absurd as the accusation that 15 out of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Muslim Arabs. Everybody knows that Saudis never do an honest day’s work in their life. That’s what foreign workers are for.
Planning on getting any Christmas shopping done while here in Annapolis?
Don’t be disgusting.
Well, thank you for your time, Foreign Minister.
The pleasure was all mine. (shakes hands) By the way, I didn’t catch your name…
Ehud Olmert.
But… but…
I’m quite proud of the sombrero… would you like me to send you one?


A Filipino entrepreneur created a gigantic Israeli flag to show their gratitude for Israel’s hosting Filipino guestworkers, 50 years of diplomatic relations, yadda yadda.
They also included a gigantic Filipino flag as part of the package.
In other news, Mexican illegal aliens are suing California to get school exams in Spanish. No word yet what size Mexican flag they’ll be sending to America to fly here as part of the reconquista.

A spokesman for the comatose Ariel Sharon says that the massive flag is still too small for the former prime minister’s coffin, and he’s working with 1,000 local tailors to “let it out a little.”

Thanksgiving Twitter Fiction

I’m having one of those days.
I wish FrankJ would release a second collection of his In My World stories. I’m too lazy to go back through the archive, you know.
Anyway, they were inspiration for this ongoing tale I’ve been thumbing into reality at Twitter…
isfullofcrap Annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon. sigh Bush is a wuss. He should have killed those turkeys with his bare hands like a real man.
isfullofcrap “That’s me, I’m the Decider. And I just decidered that yer fer dinner. Gobble on this!” WHACK (thud) WHACK (thud)
isfullofcrap Fred Thompson video: “If elected President, I will slaughter any livestock visitors bring to the White House with just the power of my gigantic head.”
isfullofcrap (And then he discovers that one of the hideous clucking creatures with thick wattles he’s just clobbered is actually Helen Thomas)
isfullofcrap He calls his mother. Barbara suggests deep-frying Helen Cajun-style. Laura says no, not healthy. Maybe roasting without the skin?
isfullofcrap Fred Thompson video: “If elected President, I will eat Helen Thomas raw with nothing else but Ranch dipping sauce for flavor.”
isfullofcrap The twins, ever-helpful, order up margaritas. Cheney mistakes microwave for margarita machine, pacemaker goes haywire. ROBOT RAMPAGE!
isfullofcrap John Kerry phones… challenges Bush to online Guitar Hero 2. “I’m a War Hero, too. I won three Purple Hea-” Bush quickly hangs up.
isfullofcrap Fred Thompson video: “I won three Grammy Awards with nothing but a moonshine jug.”
isfullofcrap Helen Thomas stirs, tries to ask for a doctor, but incapable of asking a straight question anymore. Rants about health care system.
Not sure where this is going. I have the feeling Mecha-Cheney is going to wipe Georgetown off the map while Dennis Kucinich is raising campaign funds my moonlighting as a Christmas Elf.

Open Letter To Prince

Dear Prince,
Hindu Love Gods did Raspberry Beret better than you did.
They still could do it better, and Warren’s been dead three years.
Someone who only uses your photo to help him vomit, so it’s legal, right?

Santa Fatty

Well, folks, the madness has struck Christmas: Santa has been asked to slim down to give a good example to kids.
Yeah, I’m just waiting for the note from the Political Correctness Police asking my people to “kill Jesus a little more humanely next time.”

Nobody’s Perfect

Dear Ann Coulter,
Can we keep the Klezmer?
Laurence Simon

Barack Obama’s Cigarette Lighter

Exclusive to IMAO!


Okay, so I’ve got a pair of ergonomic wrist-wraps that I’m supposed to test for the next week.
If you’re not familiar with ergonomics, it comes from the Greek word for… um… well, two Greek words for… well, two Greek words. And the last thing you want to know is what two Greeks do, okay? Especially when the phrase “Just strap these on and see how it feels” is involved.
This whole wrist-rest thing has something to do with the radio show I’m on most Saturday afternoons. Since it’s a technology show, I’m testing carpal tunnel-preventing gel-filled wrist rests. If it were a cookshow, I’d probably be testing a spatula (“Unhand that purse, thief, or I’ll spatula you such a knock on the head!”).
I type a lot, so when I saw the wrist-rests, I got an avaricious look in my eye.
“Would you like these?” Garf said. (The host’s name is Garf.)
“How much do they cost?” I asked.
“Oh, you can have these. In fact…”
I didn’t hear the rest, because you know how it is with me and getting things for free. With FrankJ, it’s just in Frank’s nature, but for me it’s a religious thing.
Anyway, I’m supposed to keep a diary of how these things feel, so here’s my first impressions:

  • Don’t forget to take them off before going to the bathroom again.
  • I look about as dorkish as I did without the things.
  • When asked, I tell people they’re to keep me from slashing my wrists because life sucks so badly. NOW WHERE’S THE NEW MORRISSEY ALBUM???
  • Unlike Wonder Woman’s wrist-bracers, these don’t stop bullets.
  • The gel does not taste like blueberry jam.
  • Co-workers love to use them to strap me to the chair and roll me down the stairs. Ha ha ha ha. Ouch.
  • My wrists feel great. But my shoulders and elbows feel like Hell.

So there you go. First day with the wrist-rests.
Tomorrow I’m going to see if they can help me float in the pool, then Wednesday I’m going to bake an apple pie without oven mitts.
Ergonomics, man! Ergonomics!

On 9/11, he went to Twitter and said…

If Jesus came back and saw all this, I’d think he’d cop a plea. I sure as hell wouldn’t die for all this species’ sins.
Ward Chruchill the Fake Indian called the WTC victims “Little Eichmans.” Based on his politics, you’d think he’d venerate Eichman.
For lunch, I’m eating a ham and cheese with bacon sandwich. Yahweh. Allah, and my doctor can bite my ass.
Buddhism is the true religion of peace. They should sue Islam for deceptive marketing practices.
I don’t need 72 virgins. Just give me four hotties in bikinis playing beach volleyball on ESPN2. And some cheese fries.
If Abu Hamsa al Masri were deported, his severed head would hit the tarmac first. A UK jail is Paradise for him.
Evil exists. Moral relativism is an evil in an of itself. Comparison of civilization to barbarism on equal grounds is shameful myopic guilt.
Saddam is dead. Pinochet is dead. Waldheim is dead. Arafat is dead. Fahd is dead. So when good people die, take comfort in death’s totality.
How many problems would be solved if India and Pakistan had a nuclear war? Can we outsource the inevitable Iran-USA conflict somehow?
All those eloquent statements by America’s celebrities. So glad their writers ran out of material. It just didn’t sound natural.
The only good that came out of the towers collapsing was the silencing of so many NYC tv and radio transmitters. So much garbage these days.
We are not all New Yorkers, as Rudy G. claimed back in 2001. No, to our enemies, we are all INFIDELS.
Never worry that your daughter will be forced to wear a burkah in an Islamic state of America. We’ll all be beheaded first.
Loose Change is the Plan 9 From Outer Space of documentaries.
Gazans danced with glee on 9/11. They still do, but CNN & BBC won’t show it. Too many kidnappings, you know. Bad for business.
When I hear conspiracists talk about 4,000 Jews staying home from work on 9/11, I like to tell them “And they know where you live.”
I don’t consider Lebanon a country. It is a pathetic, weak-willed tool used by other countries for violence upon others.
(and then he arrived at work)