Rick Sanchez: We’re all the same except that I’m better than you

I don’t follow Rick Sanchez, a CNN guy, on the Twitter. Because I don’t watch CNN. That’s because the channel is overrun with left-wing nutcases. Not as bad as, say, NBC, but still pretty bad.

Not everyone at CNN is a barking moonbat, though. But, enough are that I don’t waste time weeding through the lefties.

In fairness, Fox News has some goofy folks, as well. Some on the left, but some nutcases on the right, too. But not as many nutcases as other channels. So, when I watch news TV, it’s usually Fox News.

Now, having said all that, I wouldn’t have know about what Rick Sanchez said on the Twitter if it wasn’t for Gwyn’s Mom.

Here’s the summary: Rick Sanchez is a douche bag, and thinks he’s better than the folks at Fox News. He also denies that, so he’s a lying douche bag.

Here’s what he said:

if i didn’t believe in doing right thing, i’d be rich anchoring at fox news
11:19 PM Jul 24th from web

He followed that with:

do u know how much money i’d make if i’d sold out as hispanic and worked at fox news, r u kidding, one problem, looking in mirror
11:22 PM Jul 24th from web

Seems that Huffington Post picked up on what he said, and he didn’t like it:

ok im back, just saw huffpost. good story but headline wrong! i say i couldn’t work there, im not criticizing those who do. never said that
about 8 hours ago from web

I’m not here to support Huffington Post, but Sanchez did say that he couldn’t look at himself in the mirror if he worked at Fox News.

What about those that could? Are their standards lower? Does Sanchez think he’s better than them because his standards are higher? Seems that way, doesn’t it?

Somewhere, in the midst of all this, he said this:

i guess people really are essentially same.
12:29 AM Jul 25th from web

I assume he meant “people really are essentially all the same” and not “people really are essentially sane.” If “all the same,” then he’s saying that, well, he’s just like everybody else, except that he’s better. Because he has higher standards than the Hispanics that work at Fox News.

Sounds like something a douche bag would say.

Oh, and he offered this:

wow, really getting heat from neocons and far right wing fox viewers for saying truth. must have hit nerve
about 8 hours ago from web

No, Sanchez didn’t hit a nerve. But he did offer more proof that CNN hires douche bags that think they are better than others.

Will it affect me? No. Well, okay, it gives me something to blog about. Because, you know, it’s fun calling left-wing douche bags “left-wing douche bags.” Try it. See? Fun.

It won’t impact my TV news viewing. I already don’t watch left-wing douche bags.

But, if you watch CNN, it’s okay; I’m just better than you.