Trusted Friend

[Marimba ringtone plays]


Hey. It’s me.

Who is this?

Me. Or you. From your past.

Um, what do you want?

Yeah, I wanted to call you and tell you it’s a bad idea.
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What’s your favorite Kenan Thompson character?

You know the guy. Got his break in the Nickelodeon series All That which led to many comedic roles.

Which is your favorite Kenan Thompson role or character? Here are a few to refresh your memory:

Dexter in Good Burger

Fat Albert

His many Saturday Night Live characters

Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend

So, which is your favorite?

Mythbusting Obama

The president was on Mythbusters last night. Did you see it? I did. Not because Obama was on the show, but in spite of it. Not a fan of Obama. Am a fan of Mythbusters.

Anyway, he asked Adam and Jamie to retest a myth:

[Direct link]

Adam and Jamie tested the myth … for the third time … and, once again, busted it. But, you know, that myth was perfect for Obama:

  • It’s from Europe.
  • It had been tried before, more than once, and shown to fail.
  • It was paired with Hellboy.
  • It involved smoke and mirrors.

I wonder if there are any other myths that would make sense for Obama to want Adam and Jamie to test?

Rehabilitating Mel

It must suck to be Mel Gibson right now. And I say “right now” because at one time, it was great to be Mel Gibson. Or so it seemed.

He had a bunch of hit movies. Like Lethal Weapon and Lethal Weapon 2 and Lethal Weapon 3 and …

Actually, he had a lot of hit movies … as well as some not so hit movies.

But, for a while, he was golden.

Now, not so much. First, there was his drunk driven arrest about four years back. Now, there’s the audio tapes (more than one) of his argument with his girlfriend. You usually have to attend a cabinet meeting featuring both Rahm Emanuel and Joe Biden to get that much crazy and profanity in one place.

Right now, if you read the news, Mel Gibson is seen at Satan incarnate. And, though he’s a talented actor, director and screenwriter, it seems that his career might be over. Unless he can be rehabilitated. But, is that possible? I think it might be.

It will be tough, though. Giving money to save the rain forest won’t work. He’s done that. Give millions to help sick children? Done that. No, that’s not nearly enough.

So, what would it take to rehabilitate Mel Gibson?

  • The promise to not make Mad Max 4.
  • The promise to not make Lethal Weapon 5.
  • The promise to not make What Women Want II.
  • Claim an oil spill that occurred 457 days after George Bush left office is Bush’s fault.
  • Claim a terrorist attack that occurred 234 days after George Bush took office is Bush’s fault.
  • Declare 9/11 an inside job.
  • Make a movie with Hugo Chavez.
  • Call the Tea Party “too white” then call for the only black on the Supreme Court to resign.
  • Drug and anally rape a 13-year-old girl.
  • Hang around a polling place with a bat, threatening to kill some crackers.

Perhaps this would be enough to return Mel Gibson to everyone’s good graces.

Is he crazy? Yeah, probably. But, he’s not the right kind of crazy. He needs to be batsh*t crazy, barking moonbat crazy, to get his career back.

I’m not sure it’s worth it.