Pick the SNL sketch

Here’s a quiz:

Which one of these videos is a sketch from Saturday Night Live, and which is a video of a real-life event?

Video number one:

[Direct link]

Video number two:

[Direct link]

Could you tell?

Both are funny, but for different reasons.

One is an Academy Award-winning actor playing a dumbass who has no concept of numbers. The other is a United States president actually being a dumbass who has no concept of numbers, saying that insurance rates would go down 3-thousand percent under his plan.

Comedy writers could imagine the first. No one could imagine the second. Except it’s real. Sadly, sadly real.

But it does help explain why I’ve been saying that everyone who voted for Obama is a dumbass.

Making Axelrod tolerable

Presidents have their advisers. The current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue listens to David Axelrod.

I don’t see how he does it. Of course, I don’t see how anyone can listen to Barack Obama, either. And maybe that’s it. The two of them have been listening to the same nonsense for so long, it’s normal for them.

But, I found a way to make Axelrod tolerable…

[Direct link]

Audio source can be seen in context here.

2010 Oscar front-runner

Yes, we just had the 2009 Academy Awards. But, it is 2010. And here is a clip for the early front-runner for next year’s Best Picture award.

[Direct link]

In theatres Date. This film has not yet been rated.

Harold and Kumar weigh in on Obamacare

If Obamacare passes and I have to go to the hospital, I’d have to wait until 2258 to finally see my doctor.*

Dude, if I was a doctor under Obamacare, I’d shoot myself.*

If we’d have had Obamacare when I was younger, today, I would be Todd Bridges.

The Avengers

The Avengers

Mrs. Peel and John Steed
We’re needed.
Continue reading ‘The Avengers’ »

The ultimate April Fool’s Day prank

The ultimate April Fool’s Day prank has been pulled.

And it’s been pulled on the entire world.

Everyone fell for it.

And some of you helped.

Click to view.

Trick or Treat, Obama style

If it seems I’m all up in arms over Obama’s “spread the wealth around” comments, then … well, okay, you got me. I don’t like it.

Not that he said it, because he’s actually telling how he believes.

It’s the belief that I don’t like.

But, as this Gary McCoy cartoon from 2006 shows, it’s nothing new:

Copyright © 2006 PoliticalCartoons.com. Used with permission. All fees paid.

Business model

Hey, I got a great idea for a business model.

Here’s the deal…

  1. All sales personnel will pool their sales … and all bonuses from goals exceeded … into a common pool. This pool will be divided equally between all employees: sales, administrative, maintenance, security, IT, and retirees. This will allow the company to spread the wealth around to all under-achievers.
  2. All lower level wage-earners will pool their wages, including overtime, into the common pool. It will also be divided equally among all employees. This will help those who don’t work overtime to reap the rewards from those who do.
  3. Management will not participate in the pooling of income. Management simply makes and enforces the rules; management does not follow the rules.
  4. To compensate for this, management will give eloquent speeches to all employees every week, encouraging its workers to continue to work hard “for the good of all.”
  5. Employees should be thrilled with these new policies because it’s “good to spread the wealth around.” Those who have underachieved will finally be rewarded; those who have worked hard and had success will feel more “patriotic,” if you will, by knowing that others are benefiting from their hard work.

Okay, this is not an original thought on my part. I stole it from somewhere else. But it’s okay; I’m just spreading the humor around.

Anyway, I don’t see a flaw in this plan. In fact, I’m thinking this could work on a national level.

Any other ideas to improve or expand this plan?

Ohio announces modified voting schedule

Ohio has taken the lead in anticipation of the large turnout expected in this year’s presidential election.

It’s a one-page announcement from the Ohio Secretary of State, but here’s the short version:

Those voting Republican will vote on Tuesday. Those voting Democratic will vote Wednesday. Independents and others will vote on Thursday.

Here’s a link to the announcement:

Other battleground states are expected to follow Ohio’s lead.

Thanks for the memories. And the truth.

I miss Bob Hope. He was a comedic genius.

See. Told ya.