Comic of the Day – News!

[Source: Michael Ramirez –]

Cartoon of the Day: Sit, Newt, Sit!

I thought this was funny.

[Direct link: Chuck Assay]

I used to work in Jacksonville. Them folks don’t like other folks coming to town to tell them to sit down and shut up. If the crowd is actually people from Jacksonville, I expect they’ll cheer, boo, or whatever, if they feel like it. If they are a bunch of transplants or college kids, they’ll follow meekly along.

Florida isn’t a southern state, except by accident of geography. Jacksonville, though, is a southern city. Or it was last time I was there.

So, are you going to watch the debate tonight?

Even the Twitterz knows

All that fancy technological computer stuff that the Twitterz uses knows that the media thinks just like Barack Obama.

Here’s a screen capture from Obama’s Twitter page:

See that down in the corner? Where it lists other Twitter users that are similar?

See? I don’t see anyone from Fox News listed. Actually, I don’t see anyone from CNN listed, either, which sort of surprised me.

When I did a refresh of the page, CBS News did come up. Did a lot more refreshes. George Stephanopoulos, some critter from NPR, and … Twitter.

Which means that those of you who kept saying Twitter was teh ghey … may have been right all along.

UPDATE: Twitter chief picked as Obama telecom advisor. Well, that explains something.

Replacing Ed Schultz

Thank you for coming in. Have a seat.

Danke, mein Herr!

Just sit down. Now, what was it you wanted to see me about, Hans?

Herr Griffin. I heard about the trouble that Eddie is in. I know he’s currently only on suspension … but everybody knows that an opening could occur.
Continue reading ‘Replacing Ed Schultz’ »

Just say “no” to crosshairs

CNN’s John King (I think that’s a real person, but I’m not sure) said this week that people shouldn’t say “crosshairs”:

My friend Andy Shaw used the term ‘in the crosshairs’ in talking about the candidates. We’re trying, we’re trying to get away from that language.

So, in case you didn’t know, “crosshairs” is the new “n-word.” Or maybe it’s the new “c-word.”

I’m assuming it’s part of the whole “blame Palin” thing. I suppose it could be because of the “cross” part of the word, but I think it’s part of the “blame Palin” thing. Maybe both.

But, I suppose that if now the media heads are getting all up in arms … so to speak … about the use of gun-related imagery and speech, then banning “crosshairs” is just the beginning. There are more things that you won’t be able to say or do:

  • Up in arms
  • Shop at Target.
  • Ride a bullet train.
  • Visit Roy Rogers’ horse.
  • Change your printer cartridge.
  • Read a magazine.
  • Recoil in fear.
  • Call someone a “slug.”
  • Score a safety in football.

I wonder what other things you won’t be able to say or do as part of this narrative?

Bad ideas for awards

Earlier this month, Wayne State University decided to stop awarding the “Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media” award.

What does that mean? Well, it means that they actually gave a “Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media” award. Which, to me, is a bigger story than stopping the giving of a “Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media” award.

Earlier this year, she finally retired after catching flack for saying that Israelis should “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go home.” To which Konzentrationslager, she didn’t say.

Anyway, she recently defended her comments, then said the Jews were out to get her.

That was finally too much for Wayne State University, which had given the “Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media” award.

What should they replace it with?

Well, how about something that makes just as much sense as a “Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media” award? How about:

  • Barack Obama Leadership Award
  • Markos Moulitsas Humanitarian Award
  • Julian Assange Safe Sex Award
  • Keith Olbermann Journalism Award
  • Al Gore Science Award

There must be plenty of examples of awards that some liberal institute of higher learning could give. Any other ideas?

I now pronounce you …

(Note: I promised I’d write a post from the suggestions made yesterday. This is actually inspired by that. Don’t ask how. You’d gain an insight to how my brain works … and you really don’t want to know. Really. I still plan to write something, but Wife just got out of the shower, wearing only a towel … around her head. Later, losers! – Basil)

Growing up in Georgia, I discovered that some words can be pronounced in different ways, depending on where you are.

For instance, “Jordan.” You may say JOR-dan. Some people, in west Georgia and east Alabama pronounce it “JURD-n.” Like that stadium where Auburn University plays football, Jordan-Hare. Or, Jimmy Carter’s Chief of Staff, Hamilton Jordan. Those are pronounced “JURD-n.”

Houston County, in central Georgia? It’s not “HYOOS-ton,” as you might think. It’s “HOWS-ton.” Really.

Buena Vista, in west Georgia? “BYOO-na VISS-ta.” Seriously.

Walthourville, in southeast Georgia? “WALT-OWER-VILLE,” like it’s three words: Walt, hour, ville.

The lesson I learned, as I mentioned, is that words aren’t always pronounced like you might think. Or like you’ve heard others pronounce.

In the public interest, I present a list of words that you may have been mispronouncing your whole life, along with the correct pronunciation.

  • Democrat (COMM-yoo-nist)
  • Republican (OWN-pro-BAY-shun)
  • Pelosi (ASS)
  • Reid (DUM-ass)
  • Obama (FAYL-yur)
  • Stimulus (BAD-i-DEE-uh)
  • Palin (AWW-sum, alternate pronunciation HOT)
  • NBC (DOOSH-bagz)
  • CBS (DOOSH-bagz)
  • CNN (DOOSH-bagz)
  • ABC (NYN-tee-per-SENT-DOOSH-bagz)
  • Fox News (TWIN-tee-per-SENT-DOOSH-bagz)
  • Liberal (KRAP-for-BRAYNZ)
  • Twitter (GAE)
  • Facebook (GAE)
  • Windows (per-PEH-chu-wul-BAY-tuh)

Perhaps you’ve run across other words that aren’t pronounced as one would expect?

Sarah Palin can do it all

What can Sarah Palin do?

The better question is: What can Sarah Palin not do?

I discovered just how talented and versatile she is. She can quarterback Auburn University.

No, really. Look:

Source: Columbus Ledger-Enquirer

It surprised me, to say the least.

With her leading Auburn on the gridiron, I suspect she’s completely lost all the Boise State and Texas Christian fans. All 20 of them.

One of these things is not like the other … except where they are

So, Republican Christine O’Donnell is a crackpot because she said that masturbation is lust outside of marriage, and that is equivalent to adultery?

What she actually said was:

“Lust in your heart is committing adultery, and you can’t masturbate without lust.”

Ever heard that part about lust and adultery before?

Sure you have. There is this little book called The Bible. Maybe you’re familiar with it?

“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

— Matthew 5:27-28

Then again, if you only know what you read in the newspapers or hear on the TV, you might have missed that.

Jimmy Carter in Playboy Magazine

Unless you remember the 1976 presidential election, when the Democrat nominee, Jimmy Carter, told Playboy magazine the same thing about lust and adultery:

“The Bible says, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ Christ said, I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery. I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times…”

Now, Carter did catch a lot of crap about that interview. Part was because he gave the interview to Playboy. Part because of what he said about lust and adultery.

He was the butt of jokes at the time. But, it didn’t cost him the election. It actually helped him in the Bible Belt. The Playboy part didn’t; the Bible quote did.

Will O’Donnell be hurt by the talk about masturbation, lust, and adultery? I don’t know.

Is the media treating her fairly over it?

Well, I haven’t seen any media outlet approach Jimmy Carter for a comment on O’Donnell. That silence says a lot.

Democrat in sex scandal, and Leno jokes about the GOP

Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY-29) is resigning over charges he sexually harassed a male staff member.

Never one to miss the opportunity to joke about a homosexual sex scandal involving a married politician, Tonight Show host Jay Leno included this in his monologue.

[Direct link]

Oops! My bad. Silly me for thinking Leno would make a joke about a Democrat U.S. Congressman in a sex scandal, rather than a Republican state politician.

But, no, there’s no bias on NBC.

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being

Everybody’s favorite nutbag, Keith Olbermann — who was fired from ESPN in 1997 for being a dick — wants to know

Where are the people of color at the Tea parties?

The fact that an NBC person is asking this asking this is, well, ridiculous. Michelle Malkin has pointed out for some time just how White NBC is.

However, suppose someone else — someone honest and with integrity — were to ask the question. How would I answer it?

Well, I could point out the Black man — identified as “an unidentified man” — at the Tea Party rally in Arizona who was carrying an AR-15. You may recall that NBC’s Contessa Brewer showed a close-up of his weapon, but not showing any skin (so you couldn’t tell he is Black), as she narrated: “there are questions about whether this has racial overtones….white people showing up with guns.”

Of course, there were Blacks present at the Tea Party in Columbus, GA on Independence Day. Blacks were in the crowd, as well as leading the protest.

But, that was in Georgia, where Blacks make up 30% of the population, as opposed to New York’s 17%.

Maybe I shouldn’t bother to get into such a discussion on how many Blacks are involved in the Tea Party protests. Maybe NBC shouldn’t be the Peacock Network, but instead, be called the Pea-brain Network.

United States?

I’m curious as to how the presumptive President-elect will proceed. So far, I’m not impressed. But he’s not out to impress me.

I do wonder if he’ll be claiming a mandate, though.

I’m not the only one:

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