Obama cars

The other day, I wondered about what would happen if the Obamabots actually took the day off to campaign for him.

I figured nobody would notice.

But, I’m now thinking I would notice.

There’d be nothing but American cars in the lot.

You see, I noticed some bumper stickers and window stickers on cars in some of the parking lots in Columbus (that’s Columbus, Georgia, by the way).

Most of the Obama stickers are on foreign cars. Or toaster-looking cars.

Most of the McCain stickers are on American cars or trucks. Mostly Chevrolet, by the way.

Now, this isn’t to say that all foreign car drivers support Obama. Nor that all Obama supporters drive foreign cars. Or that all American car owners vote McCain. Or… well, you get the idea. I’m not saying one equals the other. I owned a foreign car in the past. Once.

But I noticed that there appears to be a relationship. From the vehicles I’ve seen, most Obama stickers are on foreign cars, and most McCain stickers are on American cars.

I wonder why that is?

Don’t question Obama’s patriotism

Don’t question Barack Obama’s patriotism.

Ignore the fact that a recent campaign stop in Londonderry, New Hampshire, had scheduled a high school senior, Zach Bencal, to sing the National Anthem. Then canceled the National Anthem to make room for something more important:

Bencal, who sings the anthem for a number of school events and is actively involved in local community theatre, had been contacted by the Obama campaign to sing the anthem. He agreed to do so, then was told later in the evening the anthem had been scratched from the program. Bencal said he was told by the campaign the decision was a simple programming change to make room for another speaker.

Even though the National Anthem isn’t that important to him, don’t question his patriotism.

Ignore the Senator not putting his hand over his heart during the playing of the National Anthem during an Indianola, Iowa, campaign stop in September, 2007:

Despite that, don’t question his patriotism.

Ignore his long history with terrorists Bill Ayers, who bombed NYC police headquarters, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Capitol. The same Bill Ayers in whose living room Obama held one of his first ever campaign appearances. The same Bill Ayers who served on boards with Obama. The same Bill Ayers who lives in the same neighborhood as Obama. The same Bill Ayers who has exchanged hundreds of thousands of dollars with Obama.

But don’t question Obama’s patriotism, we’re told.

So, I won’t.

But, if you’re voting for Barack Obama, I’m questioning yours.